
This whole article centres around the multiplayer aspect of Goldeneye, but it ignores one of the best single player campaigns thats ever been seen in a FPS. One thing i particularly loved and have found to be unique is the different difficulty levels, which instead of just making enemies tougher and the game harder,

There are many instances in the show where something dangerous is beamed into outer space for the protection of the crew or what have you. If the Transporter simply made a copy, surely that would be totally un-necessary and they could just delete the pattern once it was stored in the buffer. I hardly think they would

Also… review says 24 was humourless? I see that accusation and I get where you're coming from but Chloe O'Brian was often hilarious. Also the whole 24 Bingo / Drinking Game thing when you're just checking off tropes as you go through the season.

I thought it was okay as the first episode of a 24 season, but it really hurts that we don't know ANYONE. They tried to pull the latter season opener pace where its going a mile a minute introducing character after character, but they really just needed to do what they did in the actual 24 pilot and spend the first

Not really.

Fishburn wakes up to give them a way to fix the ship (he has a higher rank) and then quickly dies. The other actors in the trailer are in videos from back home etc.

He dies, She revives him, they live happily ever after, rest of the passengers wake up and find the ship is now a nature reserve.

I was the same. Although they have dropped the modern day stuff now for the most part. The whole animus thing worked on PS3/360 era as a way to get around system limitations and gate off parts of the world.

It does on some calculators. Which is wrong I know but yeah it happens.

For me:

I'm really glad they've given Piper someone new to play with so Alex gets her own arc away from her orbit. Though I'm a little down on her actual storyline. I know they are kind of incompetent but it's a joke that Caputo and the rest haven't noticed that a guard went missing on that day. Do they think he walked out

I agree with Takei here, and it's the same reason why I disagree with James Bond being played by a female actor or an actor who isn't white. There are excellent reasons why these characters could be changed in order to meet the requirements of the PC crowd but I'd much prefer that new characters were created who would

Internet writer doesn't like jokes about people who write stuff on the internet. What!!? no way!! Because that's never happened on the AV Club before.

Was back to the season one atmosphere in this episode. It was slightly jarring at the start going in expecting it to be the dark dramatic stuff from previous weeks but that went away quickly. Episode was very funny and it was really nice seeing Aya Cash get to smile again and that moment at the end almost had me going

Episode is worth watching an extra ten times just to see all the reactions during the "Gretchen's Friends" sequence. Hillarious. Especially the last shot of the rap guys and Sam's smile at Gretchen after he realises what he's been saying.

I like both season 1 and 2, but it is like watching two different shows sometimes. I don't think I would be watching season 2 if I hadn't seen season 1 and wasnt already attached to the characters. That doesn;t mean season 2 isnt as good, if not better, but its just not my thing. The same way I don't particularly

I think the Manchester thing started when they gave him a Football shirt in a season one episode. It was probably the only English football club that the writers had heard of.

The younger sister sounded like Daphne on Frasier, who is also supposed to be from Manchester. Also one of the other sisters sounded like Daphne's Mum in Fraisier. However none of them sound remotely like anyone from Manchester.

Oh you Americans thinking these were caricatures. LOL. I see these people every day on the way to work. Especially in Tescos.

I agree with the stray observation about Shitstain being your favorite character. In fact the whole rap group are my favorite characters. I loved the scenes in season one where Sam is going on about his new house and the craftsman movement whilst in the kitchen the other two are talking to Lindsay about having her jaw