
Yes. That’s better. Weak jackets

Wouldn’t it be the Portland Frailblazers?

and yet here you are in the dirt with the rest of us, you slug

Prior to this having an NBA angle, I thought it was pretty astonishing to see anti-colonialist/leftist types on social media claiming that it’s colonialism to support protestors in Hong Kong.

I was in the Shenzhen a few years ago. One of the people I met with was originally from Hong Kong and at the time there were some lively protests going on. His unsolicited opinion on the thing was that he understood the protesters’ desire for democracy and freedom from an oppressive government, but the way they were

That complicates it if you think money is more important than not sending people to concentration camps.

Gonna reply to myself here.

I mean, the Chinese government literally said “we do not believe in freedom of speech.” So it really ISN'T very complicated.

1.4 billion Chinese citizens stand united when it comes to the territorial integrity of China and the country’s sovereignty over her homeland.

I feel like this doesn’t get brought up often enough.

It’s not relevant until Ellen picks a side.

Lost in all of this is the fact that the Golden State Warriors once blew a 3-1 lead in the NBA Finals, the championship series in American professional basketball.

On one hand, you have the Chinese government who wants the ability to extradite residents of Hong Kong with no oversight. The same Chinese government that regularly disappears people in it’s custody, and is running literal concentration camps for ethnic minorities and political dissidents.

Complicated is short-hand for money on one side and morals on the other.

This is stupid. If you’re claiming that you’ve never in your life told anyone anything you would feel uncomfortable later finding in the pages of a tabloid, you’re a liar.

First, yes, I do expect an American company to choose human rights over profit. That’s actually not an unreasonable expectation, and I affirm it by taking my business elsewhere. Also, the notion that company’s must primarily act in their shareholder’s interests above all else is actually quite recent (mid-20th

There have been many times where people and companies have made stands against laws they have felt were unjust.  Standing up against unjust laws is how change comes about in the first place.

Yes. Just like we’d expect them to not throw in with the slave or weapons trade because they’re profitable.

It was a private account, and she’d only granted access to people she considered trustworthy friends. This would be like someone sharing information from a group chat among friends and family, and then you coming along and saying “wELl tHeN yOu sHoUlDn’T hAvE cONveRsAtiOnS wITh pEoPlE yOu tRuSt!!”

Eh, posting things to a locked, private social media account restricted to trusted friends and family is not meaningfully different from sending an email to a private mailing list, or just talking to a group of close associates around a dinner table. It’s fine to expect those people to keep what they hear private, and