
-He brings empty milk jugs to fill with Gatorade during the games, why pay for it when you can get it for free?

Somehow I think if he wasn’t playing football he’d be outside a roller rink marveling at the fact that as he gets older, the high school girls stay the same age...

He oftentimes got to stay in coaching staff meetings on account of his facial hair, not even being discovered when his only contribution to the discourse was “Hell yeah, brother..”

In honor of Tomsula, please post your favorite Minshew Mini-Facts here:

Fully support this, though I’m surprised it took this long for Weezer to get a new frontman.

He looks like he smokes a full cigarette during every TV time out, and has sex exclusively with women with significant pubic hair.

Oh, he definitely struts.

This is really throwing a monkey wrench in Gardner Minshew's destiny of washing out of the NFL after half a season and becoming a phys ed teacher who hangs out with the girls' soccer team a little too much.

The Gardner is here to trim your bush, ma’am.


Looks like Stan Gelbaugh.

Imagine with a little effort he could get to this level:


I was once scolded by a Packers fan coworker for referring to the Lions and using “we.” I’m not on the team. A few weeks later he referred to the Packers as “we.” When I called him out he said “but I’m an owner.” Fuck Packers fans; your “stock” is worthless.

Every asshole dipshit douchebag fan who’s ever done anything obnoxious that they would never try to get away with in any other venue attributes their bullshittery to their “intense emotional investment”. Pointing out that you shouldn’t be so attached that it makes you lose perspective(which in a minor way “we” is sort

I find myself to be a little more tolerant of people using “we” when they’re referring to a college team at a school they attended. “We” seems appropriate in that sense.

“Steeler Nation”

“WE” fans are the worst fans. They’re generally speaking, out of shape, lacking in knowledge, and they like to wear their ill fitting team jerseys to work before big games. Think of a bloated Patriots fan with an Edelman jersey on a Friday before a playoff game or a Yankees fan wearing a 99 jersey in early October