
If I were a lakers fan I wouldn’t worry. Magic has the cure.

I would be more impressed if it were something else than genji

Then there’s McCree and Widow who got nerfed like hell early on in the game, while Genji and Hanzo keep getting buffed...

They all suck at healing in general! Mercy’s kit (not including Rez) is the fastest healer in the game.

Nerf after nerf after nerf? She was buffed up to godmode. No other support even was close. These nerds are bringing her back down to earth a bit.

Uh... not everyone felt it was “fun”. Good riddance.

PvP needs a super-grenade-launcher only mode.

I’m a proud member of the 20% of people who thought Bush II was an idiot in late 2001.

I disagree very much on that point.

Thank you!
I lost a friend to AIDS in the ‘80s. He’d been HIV+ for a while but the knowledge and the meds just weren’t quite there yet. If only... if only he’d not been infected for even just 18 more months... he might have caught the meds wave. Instead, he washed up on the shore. God, I miss him.

Alternately, I have

I totally understand. These people are a danger to everyone with their anti-established science ravings. It’s a big worry of mine that we’re vulnerable to a major epidemic wiping out or handicapping a sizeable proportion of our kids polio-style because there are so many unvaccinated children.

Thank you! I just, this shit makes me so angry, irrationally (but not really because it’s deadly) angry. It needs to be outlawed because people are not educated and they think a sugar pill is tantamount to a vaccine, and a vitamin iv will treat HIV, and they die. “Doctors” like this woman, who is just shitting on the

Fuck this woman. Fuck fuck fuck this woman.

If the oppressed could dismantle the systems oppressing them none of those systems would still exist. That’s just basic fucking logic and really doubt the sincerity of anyone who says they believe otherwise.

Wow, any time someone is willing to go against a family member I have a lil more hope for the human race.

Pure, ‘both sides’ bullshit. It is not up to the oppressed to dismantle racism. It never has been, it never will be.

It’s funny though how a lot of people are hung up on 18 like it’s a magical number after which all bets are off. People asking young women “you’re 18, right?” are no less creepy than those who want to have sex with teenagers (or, to rephrase, people with a significant age difference who want to have sex with


I’m gonna repost what I wrote verbatim under a Splinter article on the subject after someone pointed out the difference between pedophilia and ephebophilia, and everyone rushed to tell them that they’re probably speaking from experience and looking for ways to defend themselves or something. A nice crowd. Since

Change “Eli Manning fraudulent autograph scandal” to “RGIII fraudulent autograph scandal” and that thing would have a lot more legs -