
I don’t want to spend more time in it, if it’s like that game.

Thank you! Anyone who’s ever played Zen a reasonable amount knows he’s more than capable of this.

This is the best NBA season in years. Somehow in this article, on this subject, the most unlikely and wonderful thing you’ve written about is still “5th-seed Jazz”.

I have found it odd that the reviews for this game all clearly describe the same game with the same shortcomings, yet most are positive and few take a truly negative angle.

More like Headcock

It’s the best first half of a good vampires etc overly serious B-movie that is actually a game but in more than a few parts I wish it were not a game so I didn’t have to actually play those parts, that I’ve ever experienced.

I stopped in late Jan, just before MHW. At that point I was playing solo, was getting ever more bored by every piece of content available to me solo (or via matchmaking) except for the Nightfall - which, while certainly possible solo, tended towards utter frustration that a single death could make an otherwise decent

Aww not the Kulu! Do it to a Tzitzi instead.

Secret weapon? Big impact out of nowhere?

I agree mostly with you guys. Not so much on Ilios - I think that map is overly dominated by boops, and particularly by Pharah in general. I think Nepal and Lijiang are a bit better balanced, but neither are great either - Oasis showed how much they learned from those maps.

... I was with you until “points are so open that there’s no way to coherently defend them”. Horizon, sure. Numbani? You’ve never effortlessly held the attackers off of that point? You have so many options to do it with. Junk or Sym to hold the top right, Torb and Orisa to hold the top left, replace one of those four

The more I play this, the more I’m appreciating most of the new monsters, outside of Rathalos (because its been meaningfully changed) and Teostra and Rathian (because they’ve always been sufficiently interesting without being full of crap).

Straight up, this is a big part of why I and the two friends I played with stopped playing, because even with a group of three it became very clear that it was only looking to match us against at least another group of three, and not at all interested in creating balanced teams regardless of how each was composed.

I nearly made this exact same comment. Just clearly not a game where any extra effort was put in to make even a single aspect stand out.

I don’t think it’s something missing. I think it’s the new ‘better’ lighting and edge definition. It’s not a world that is supposed to look ‘clean’, by design it is muted and slightly smudged. Just increasing the resolution of the textures, for instance, won’t change their artistic design.

Yep. That was always the opinion of myself and my buddies when we still played (and will be should we return at some point) and a Genji POTG popped up - even if it was one of us doing it. Just simply not impressive to use that ult, not on PC at least.

It was not fun. It was novel. We need to be better at understanding the difference. This in particular needed to die even before it did. There are other fun toys you can actually enjoy, now (Colony, hint hint).

Oh, it’s a villain.

Seems difficult to tell from information whether the reports are valid. I think the idea is very valid, depending on context; this is a game where some characters are very niche, most have pretty strong counters, and *you can change at any freakin time, which it seems 90% of the player base does not understand

I think these two were developed in unison to some degree. At least, with the same driving ethos.