AJ Archer-Kane

Your standard male MMA fighter is saying this kind of shit, times ten, about everyone. He calls other dudes worthless layabouts for not being as strong as him, or worse, he calls them feminine. Does it make their statements right? Probably not. But the measure of this outrage will be because of Rousey’s gender and the

Can we talk about how utterly gross that Fight State article is? I mean, she’s clearly a muscular lady (and duh, it fits with her profession!) .. but.. she doesn’t make me think of the word ‘huge’ at all. “Extremely large” nope. “Enormous” also nope. Really, she just has very developed arm muscles. That article just

My issue always has been that everyone is so concerned with the lives of these poor animals, but no one gives a shit about the people living in indentured servitude who make your fresh veggies available and low cost. I don’t care what the circumstance is, people trump animals every time.

Her argument also suggests people stop eating chicken, pork, and other meats. It is not something most people can afford. It is an argument that originates in a place of wealth, a place of great privilege. There is a reason why people in the third world aren’t pursuing veganism. There’s a reason why the vegan diet is

...it must’ve been while you were kissin’ me...

I eat meat.. but I agree with you. Mostly. Trophy hunts are barbaric. Hunting for food... not so much, if done right.

Thank you for this. This is a really thoughtful response.

And thank you for recognizing the fucking huge privilege in choosing to be vegetarian or vegan.

I think your last few sentences are the case today but I don’t think that has always been the case. We’re just so divorced from the process now that it’s easier to think of animals as less than. There were many cultures that worshiped or glorified the animals that they ate and some that still do. It’s also a very

Between yoga workouts, a privileged white woman wipes off her cucumber facial scrub, sets down her glass of Prosecco, and widens her eyes at her latest brilliant epiphany.

As long as you try your fucking best to kill that deer in a quick and clean way I have no issue with it at all. To me there is a very big divide between hunting for “sport” and hunting for dinner or even hunting to control animal populations so they do not damage a balanced ecosystem.

“Divorced from” may be the wrong terminology. “Think it’s fundamentally silly” may be more on target. It’s not like it’s an idea I’ve never heard before, I just don’t think it’s true.

Wasn’t Cecil the main source of income and interest in the park there as well? He wasn’t just a lion.

This is why people can’t take feminists, liberals, or other social-justice-oriented people: because as a group we can’t get our heads around how to make an analogy that isn’t hideously offensive.

This is NVC’s NVCest article to date.

There is a huge difference between killing a lion so you can have it’s head on your mantle and killing a deer to eat the meat.

Anyone else having conservative friends and family taking advantage of the situation and posting stuff equivalent to: “Its not ok to kill a lion but you can kill an unborn child?” So sick of nonequivalent comparisons. And its not like saying anything to them does anything but enrage them. blah. Poor Cecil.

Wait... are you comparing slaughtering animals for food to actual human slavery? You don’t see how that analogy is really, severely fucked up?


Where does being extremely witty AND attractive rank?