AJ Archer-Kane

Celebrities tweeting stupid things? Meh.

JM: Suck his dick, immediately. I would drop to my knees and gag on it.



She stated before it was a two-person job and that the black woman doing the actual flag removal with her friend/white ally on the ground was a more powerful statement (than vice versa, I believe).

Not terribly relevant, but Moriarty and I legit had a text discussion over whether he was hot or not.

They decided they wanted a white man to help a black woman over the wall to take down the flag as a symbol of race relations and fighting against oppression and how allies should behave, assisting but not silencing black voices.

When I grow up I want to be Bree Newsome.

not sure if this will work since kinja’s being kinja today.

I’m very mildly anemic (and always cold), but it is due to thalassemia minor - a genetic blood condition - not iron deficiency. Taking iron in this case not only doesn’t help but can actually cause problems.


Why is even his farting face handsome?

You can still be fired for cause. The intent of tenure is to protect academics from backlash when they choose to research politically unpopular topics or say politically unpopular things, not to let people get away with being abusive or sexually harassing others or committing gross academic misconduct.

I felt dirty after that movie. Tom Cruise was in it and I loved it. I kinda want to watch new MI .

Also, they burned down just a few days ago; I doubt the authorities have completed their investigations.

Um, that conflicts with the performance of MY Jolie Kerr tribute band One Vinegar to Rule Them All. We will be performing all the the hits from our White Album. When Vinegar is not Enough is our top requested song. Maybe we should combine bands and play somewhere besides your shower.

You guys, my Jolie Kerr tribute band, Vinegar is Magic, is playing another show tomorrow night. As a reminder, the band consists of me singing a slightly off pitch rendition of “So Fresh, So Clean” in my shower over and over again. The show starts at 8:00pm, or whenever I get back from the gym. Nobody came last week,