AJ Archer-Kane

Either way, I’m intensely jealous of Anna Ferris.

I think because he’s a talented comedic and dramatic actor?

I definitely don’t think it’s a way to be mean. It seems to just refer to men who aren’t fit. Like if you don’t have muscles, you’re “dadbod” but it’s a positive because these men are still considered hot.

It was an article where a woman said she found it attractive, so now lot’s of feminists have been finding creative ways to talk about how much they find it disgusting for *reasons*. I’ve seen people here complain that they are forced by some Hollywood conspiracy to find fat dudes attractive. Idk.

Yeah, which is why I refuse to use the word. I use terms like ‘fat’ and ‘chubby’ because if Chris were a woman, those would be the words used to describe him.

So I know I’m behind on this but is “dadbod” just a “cute” way we’re going to talk mean about heavy dudes?

I didn’t realize that was deliberate for the role. Not sure how I feel about that.


I’m her stunt double.

Are you my girlfriend? She is roughly the same size and perpetually freezing. She sleeps with two comforters no matter what and I always lay on top


okay it definitely helps that I’m 5’4 and like 110 lbs and literally always cold

money is nice too.

In my dreams and his nightmares <3<3<3<3<3

And here I thought the pleasure of my company was payment enough.

ive been begging you for years, will you PLEASE just give me a cut of the proceeds

I’m pissed off at their agents, too. If you’ve got FONDA and TOMLIN as your clients you should negotiate a HELL of a lot better then that!

It starts strong and fizzles out a bit towards the end. But if you’re looking for something to binge watch over a weekend or while you’re doing your nails or something it’s pretty satisfying.