AJ Archer-Kane

I am soo excited. Kinky Victorian incesty sex freaks. Okay, I am less excited about the implied weird incesty stuff. But also - Mia Wasikowsa and Jessica Chastain! Two of my fave leading ladies. They can just make all movies with Tom and Mia and I will be satisfied. Everything.

So she believes in free rent for herself, but charges rent to others (even though she “doesn’t need the money”)

That all sounds like a lot of work.

My nemesis in college did this in Amherst when she had a $20,000 trust fund and it made me want to punch her in the face and honestly I feel the same way about this person because I am a slave to consumerism and misery loves company.

I think that’s what AJ Archer-Kane is objecting to. That Theron being a “kick ass woman” doesn’t make this feminist. Theron and/or other being feminist makes it feminist.

yeah george miller said he deliberately made it feminist but i’m interested to see if its freals

Eve Ensler consulted with the actors and crew at the director’s behest and has a thing or two to say about feminism and the movie. http://time.com/3850323/mad-ma…

George used Eve Ensler as a consultant on the film. This is no acccident.

I am curious about this, too. The production stills seem to show her character with a group of other female characters so maybe it’s feminist because it has women working together?

It’s a federal case.

So this means we have another decade of appeals to look forward to, right?

WTF? We don’t do that here in Massachusetts.

I’m at this point where I don’t care what happens to this guy, but I feel like a life penalty, locked up and isolated until he dies naturally, thinking about all the things he didn’t get to do, is a much bigger and appropriate punishment.

Sending him to Indiana is punishment enough.

My grandparents basically paid for my private high school. But my mom also works like a maniac and probably will never be able to retire. And she started a college fund for me basically right when I was born. So yes, my mom was definitely really lucky that she had parents who could contribute, but she’s also been

Not really. My grandfather and uncles died before I was born. I liked a few of my mother’s boyfriends but they never really stuck around long enough for me to see them as father figures (and maybe this is because I was just so used to not having one).

Yeah, that seems like a huge factor. Like, I’m not even sure how most two-income households support kids if they’re not wealthy. I guess it’s all just another reason why we have to advocate for things like paid maternity leave, affordable chidcare, and just normalizing parenthood in our social and professional lives.

That’s not really a substantially different calculus than couples planning a family go through. The responsible thing is not having a kid unless you’re capable of supporting it.

Well I’m the only child of an older single mom by choice, and honestly there is a lot that sucks about it. I’m in my 20s and my mother is now retired with health issues that require me to financially support her. I’m coping with the fact that she will likely not live to meet my children, and that once she is gone I

I did this when I was teaching high school as a 26 year old male. Not because I was ‘afraid i would succumb’ but because I didn’t want anyone to ever be able to say that I was even alone with a female student. It was more about protecting myself from any kinda of accusation.