I’m sorry, the first trailer pretty much confirmed Vader for me. That’s the motherfucking Devastator. Vader is in it.
You’d have Wolverine’s books, and they’d be so much darker and more brutal than the X-Men books, but they’d still fit in when you open the pages of the X-Men book. It’s new to movies, but it’s not new to storytelling.
It’s almost like a real superhero movie - but with women!
They were in the best Transformers movie.
Not relevant to the story at all but any chance to share this scene from Airplane is one I will gladly grab with both hands.
I think everyone thinks that...we’ll see if Fox can see their way towards another miracle with regards to Deadpool...not holding my breath.
I can understand why people would be upset if the review doesn’t back up it’s claims and tanks a score baselessly.
Personally, I don’t care that this guy who likes to play contrarian gave Uncharted 4 a negative review. What irks me is that the editorial people at Metacritic feel it’s okay to make up their own score for a review that was unscored. They have a section for unscored reviews and everything. That’s just pretty fucking…
12 year old responds to 12 year old’s diary. More at 11.
With those baby blues and Eastwood-ish face, he would have made an even better Roland Deschain.
FYI, Dolph is actually 5 years younger than Stephen Lang.
The face is spot on. The physique could use some... steroids (kidding). He doesn’t need to be a total Liefeld character, but he should have some bulk. More bulk that pictured above, certainly.
Absolutely. He needs to play Cable. He wants to play the part. That needs to happen.
He’s way too small. You need an extra big guy to fit all the pouches on his costume and the extra pouches on the pouches.
It’s not like he’s let himself go...