Reply of the Day!
Reply of the Day!
Stop it!!! This is pornography lol!
Whilst I agree totally with you, I doubt that would ever happen. Dodge has too much into the Taxi/Cop Car/Rental Car/Grocery getter market share with the four door.
The want is strong with this one!!!
Sir any word on this motor being dropped into a Charger SRT variant?
Keep up the good work. I for one enjoy all of the articles on the Jalopnik and am on here daily.
While I don't dislike the current wheel/tire combos I think this is a good thing for the spectacle they (they being FOM) seek i.e. glowing brake rotor, sparking floors etc.
There is no Rifling inside the barrel of the shotgun this video is definitely fake...
I saw this before on Jet Set Radio...grind all the things!!!
It ain't a single unless Nate Dogg is on it!
This bodes well for Peugeot. These guys are some of the best! Now to find something to pass the time until the next Dakar...
Love it!!!
Telemetry or it didn't happen!
Moving that many ships would probably crash the servers if they had to have some sort of maneuvering battle!
Thanks for the insight. I figured there was more to it than that.
Reminds me of a civil war or revolutionary war battle where the two sides line up and trade punches. He who hits hardest wins I guess? (I preface this by admitting I do not play EVE)
Yes Audi Estate cars!