
Sorry, but as somebody who helps organize quite a few events like this in the background, I understand but disagree with your point. Awards at award shows are actually close to the least interesting part of a show. It’s where you have the potential to lose a lot of eyeballs.

Dude honestly, I feel you on this. I really like the game...but I’m just having investment issues with it. I was probably around chapter 6 or 7 when I put the game down a few weeks ago and haven’t fired it back up since :(

except Nintendo is smart and wants to make more money from people who love different franchises :)...I mean, just look at the response this reveal is getting?

I honestly had no idea this was out today...I’ve literally heard nothing about it since E3 o_o

They said “Super Cyan Goku” I believe......to be fair, that one is kind of understandable, lol

I feel like every time you’re not inciting a games (probably inevitable) delay, I always learn and gain so much insight from your articles Jason. In this case, I did know most of this already, but people definitely need to really understand exactly what an engine is. I’ll definitely be pointing a few people to this

So pretty much every Friday night?

wait..so there’s really no Tracer halloween skin yet?

Honestly, I’d jump in a G70 before this....It’s not bad...but it’s kinda busy

Feels like it’s less about the extra play time for single player games, and more about if the total value of whatever special/limited edition it is...is worth it. and the extra play time is more of an ‘icing on the cake’ new addition that costs them nothing to throw in as added value. It’s pretty smart business wise I

You know, I’m no big fan of the whole “season pass” thing. But I think this might actually be the first one I buy (...partly because I have Gift cards burning holes in my wallet)

Glad I didn’t go past the spoiler yet, but I still wanna say how happy I am when Lupin get’s some of the attention it deserves in NA. It’s such a great/fun series to get into. Also part V has been an especially cool series to hop into

I’ll be honest here...I started out really into OWL. I’d catch all the games. Then blizzard was giving me points for doing so which gave me even more incentive. However as time wore on, towards the end of the season I started watching less and less. I only ended up watching 1 of the playoff matches and I didn’t even

This saddens me. I tried to do my part and kept up an active sub after the first wave of population gave up, and I still maintain that it is a great game that became a greater one...but everyone I was playing with moved on...so I did as well about 2 years ago. Would be interesting if this ever gets rebooted like I see

I’m happy to report that I’m also much better at everything the second time around and enjoying it just as much. I only got up to maybe HR 60 or so on my PS4, before deciding to wait for the pc version. I’m also doing things I wasn’t doing before when it was all “new and shiny.”....utilizing the food system properly,

Let’s just happy the fans aren’t all calling for Ryan Drummond anymore and call it a small victory

Honestly, even though there’s been great work on it, I’d say we’re still on hair. Almost done with it maybe, but still on it. 

In an otherwise shitty week for me, this has been the shining bright spot of hope :D

You know...now thinking about it without nostalgia glasses, I think Tamers actually is my favorite series

I really want to get into this game, but my experience so far has just been one long endless tutorial....made worse by the fact that I know all the basics of the SMT/Persona games to death by now. I get that I’m in the minority of players in this case, but it’s really drag to have to tap through most of the info.
