
Any word on ultrawide support?

I’m currently in the market for a car in the Price range. My current “Must have” has been the M240i...But I will say that this is the only Sedan that made me reconsider my hardline on a coupe. I even plan to visit a “Dealer” (in a mall) for a closer look. I highly doubt I’m going to get one, but frankly, I’m in love

Wow, I never had love for that Generation of Stang’s...but this has shown me that they aged worse than I thought they would. Not sure this will ever be anything but a “quirkly” collectible. I could be wrong, but CP imo.

Ya sorry...but by your argument, let’s call D.Va Hana...Or literally 90% of the other heroes by their actual names? :/ 

Man....this really makes me miss the old pre-time skip art style of one piece....

That’s true as well. But keep in mind, pretty much all AAA devs use their (or 3rd party) engines and always try to get their money’s worth from development and other costs. That’s where my “it would be foolish” remark comes from. I probably should have said financially foolish though. Game development has already

The style and overall polish of the current engine has more than enough Juice in it to power the next or next two Zelda games at least. I’d go so far as to say that any Hyrule based games in the foreseeable future on the switch WILL be based on the same engine as BotW as it would be foolish not to do

Give it a shot! It shockingly holds it’s own as hero shooter because of the customization aspect to it. As a primarily OW Player I see where a lot of the criticisms for copying came from, but there’s a lot that it’s done that feels fresh. It’s a very solid addition to the Switch lineup IMO and a good way for Hi-rez to

I hate how excited I am for this.
-Portion of the D2 Community

Wow. This was actually education to watch. I honestly had no idea the maps were so well attached. Nepal’s design is a standout for me

I look at that list and I see a lot of holes in the switch lineup being plugged.
Competitive Fighter (that people care about) - Check
Hero Shooter - Check (shut up....as a hardcore OW player, I enjoy Paladins on PC)
Monster hunter for NA - Check
Battle Royale - Check

Really looking forward to this conference and hope the

*sigh* ....such a difficult question....On the one hand, a lot of the community is amazing. This is easily one of the most involved gaming communities I’ve been a part of short of an MMORPG. On the other hand, there is dark toxicity in a lot of players that rears it’s often enough to occasionally turn me off of the

*sigh* ....such a difficult question....On the one hand, a lot of the community is amazing. This is easily one of

Personally, I actually like deathmatch (having just lost 2 rounds of the blasted mode). My only issue is the kill credit thing. okay, fine, if I get like 60/100 from a kill, sure, give it to the finisher. But If I get 90-99......please give me a kill :( or at least make assists worth more than a wink and a smile.

It’s a fact that people who would literally download and try the game for at least 15-30 minutes would understand, but alas, I see this going the way of Android vs Apple fanboys. (not that I don’t primarily play OW)

Agree’d. I still prefer OW for it’s overall quality and polish, but there’s room for another Hero shooter (that actually survives). Also for the fact that without decent competition, Blizzard will eventually get lazy, so I don’t see the harm.

Let me ask you this. Would making it Circular have helped? Would making it green have helped? I’m not going to stand as a bastion for Hi-Rez since they’ve made some obvious mistakes in terms of optics, but I will say that gameplay wise Rein (semi-rein main here myself) and Khan have enough differences to make them fun

Inb4 a bunch of the “Paladins is straight rip off” comments from people who have never tried it. I get it. I was like you once. I’m a competitive OW player....but over this past weekend, I got bored enough to actually give the game a shot. I think the game deserves better than the rep it’s gotten. Yes, there are

I’m at light level 349 (will probably increase now that reset has happened). But I had one of THE WORST experiences with this. My Fireteam literally died 8 times in a row before one person left. Another one came to replace him, but we were already mid fight so he was locked out.

Just going to agree with this since it’s correct. Additionally, the same can be said for almost any competitive sport/esport

I’ll be honest. I’m sometimes scared of this whole “Please Rework” mentality everyone has nowadays. As mentioned, I get that balancing so many hero’s is like watching a really awkward juggling act, but I just pray it won’t get out of hand (Now the community is crying to rework bastion...again.).