
This is the greatest thing I’ve heard all day.

I’m guessing his quotes hit a little too close to home.

You’ve pretty much got it.

I had a really hard time figuring out what was going on also. I finally went to the guardian site and it looks like this is what is going on:

ENOUGH. Enough. Ugh, goddamn. FINE. I bought it. I... bought it. It’s installing right now. Jesus. This surpassed Destiny-levels of coverage way too fast. I... I... I’m not proud of myself right now. Well, luckily, in a few hours I guess I won’t have time to dwell on that.

gamespot.com has a pretty extensive “Beginner’s guide to Fallout 4” that you may find helpful.

Well, yes and no. Kate Winslet was not actually there to talk about money. She was there to promote her movie, and she was asked a question that she was not comfortable answering to the world at large.

Each of the Bethesda Fallout games has been a separate story in a different part of the country, and this one more than the others goes pretty extensively into the “lore” in the opening cinematic and introduction. Likewise, most of what you need to know about “builds” can be gleaned from the in-game info. I tend to

I’m new to the franchise, too. I ended up scouting through videos on YouTube to figure out what was worth picking up in the vault when you start. There’s so much out there that a lot can be missed in the jumble.

Not to send you somewhere else —- but Polygon has some pretty good intro guides that stop short of being walkthroughs. And like TES, the Fallout Wikia page is a pretty good companion.

I cannot vouch for the quality of the information contained herein:

Can you please write all soccer columns from now on and just pay Billy to stay away from a computer?

His Wenger obsession has gone from the ridiculous to the sublime


I haven’t played Syndicate yet, but the controls of the previous games are not as bad as you make them out to be. I think what they achieve is remarkable, given the number of times you do want the character to climb the lamp post and not the wall and the game does exactly that, and I think players lose track of what

You know the Car Gods have a sense of humor when this giant monstrosity, this paean to American Exceptionalism, breaks down outside of a dining establishment called European Republic.

I hear you, but it’s important to remember the man is motherfucking ancient. Homosexuality was a mental illness for the majority of his life.

Harsh, but fair.