I bet J. Edgar Hoover personally delivered surveillance audio of Martin Luther King, Jr. trysts DIRECTLY to this man.
I bet J. Edgar Hoover personally delivered surveillance audio of Martin Luther King, Jr. trysts DIRECTLY to this man.
If the NFL caught someone doing that, they would have them summarily executed on the spot. Then the next year they’d start offering it as a premium service for rich people with dreams of football glory.
I can’t imagine running into a cousin at a swingers party; if I walked into a room and saw my cousin getting plowed. I’d probably need counseling.
I think it’s for margaritas.
I live in a college town, and they banned smoking on campus period a few years ago. No smoking on the sidewalks. No smoking in the park. No smoking in the entire 12X12 block area. Funny thing was, the university put it up to students for a (non-binding) vote and it came back almost 80% not in favor of the ban. No…
I wasn’t trying to imply that Marx was not revolutionary. Like I said in the interview, Marx was advocating engagement with representative democracy, while the anarchists believed nothing could be achieved by engaging with institutions like Parliament. And you’re right in saying that riots and working class pressure…
God it feels good to read an article of a critique of historical/flavor/setting/character choices that’s not dripping with agenda. Well done sir!
Aw, poor Liam. Who hasn’t been there? You’re 18, in love, engaged, and then you find out your SO has a condition by which her tongue lolls abnormally whenever a camera is present, wants to bed any and everything bipedal, has a strange thing for large foam fingers bigger than your could ever be :( and insists on…
You clearly don’t hang out in yoga studios. This shows excellent judgment.
I would’ve thought Churchill would’ve been a bit more sympathetic to Aussies’ drunken slurring, given his love of the bottle. Then again, the dude was capable of giving stirring oratory with perfect Received Pronunciation while completely shitfaced. No mercy for the weak, I suppose.
Modestly guilty as well, I think it’s because we tend to look at “celebrities” through a very narrow window. There’s always a mainstream media slugfest over SCOTUS appointments, but by and large I bet, for both sides, they tend to be “good enough” choices where, on the bench, there’s a respect for one another’s…
I’m always cautious about Roe v. Wade, because remember that right after the court established a right to privacy, they also said, “We repeat, however, that the State does have an important and legitimate interest in preserving and protecting the health of the pregnant woman, whether she be a resident of the State or…
Landed in RedMere Fen less than a minute off Lakenheaths runway. Very lightly populated with a house in every square mile or so. No local reports of casualties on the Ground but news quick to report the pilot had been lost. If there was any planning involved by the pilot, he has put the plane down in the best possible…
The fact that you can mark a review as funny pretty much ruined the review system on steam. Instead of using it to deter people from taking a review seriously, it just promotes those tired, unoriginal joke reviews. But it's steam, so you can't expect much in the first place I guess.
Flip side to that coin. My father, who was the biggest Star Wars fan I’ve ever known, passed away last summer. I’ll be buying him a ticket and saving a seat for him at my local theater.
Uh, Kirk? Luke? Patrick? Stephen?
My type is transparent poeple. That’s why it looks like I’m alone all the time.
“Cristiano , yr wyf am ymddiheuro am ddatganiadau fy asiant . Y gwir yw wyf yn eich casáu gyda’r gwres ffaglu o haf Toledo . Gyda’r tân niwclear y craidd yr Haul Nid yn wirioneddol dim gair yn Saesneg, Sbaeneg , Catalaneg , Basgeg neu sydd wirioneddol yn cipio lefel fy casineb ohonoch. Fy asiant camgyfleu hynny , ac…
I get why radical leftists such as yourself would be frustrated by this crop of Dem candidates. But I do find it somewhat ironic that when the right produces a more concentrated & intense version of itself (Tea Party) everyone bellyaches about extremists holding the governing process hostage. But when moderates who…
This article was almost a hair too long.