
I can’t speak to golf... but the WNBA and women’s soccer make zero money and are subsidized by the NBA and men’s soccer (it’s basically charity that keeps them going). It makes absolute sense that the payout wouldn’t be in the same league. (I am unsure but believe women’s Tennis may pull in similar advertising revenue

Back when the Tudors first came out my friends and I (straight males) didn’t know Cavill’s name but we always referred to him as “garbage bag man” because he would still look hot as hell if he was only wearing a garbage bag. So glad he’s become a thing.

Sangria sucks drink tinto de verano instead

It would be like your family getting pissy for someone calling them Belgian instead of Flemish. Pretty silly, if you ask me.

What would you like us to do? Invade the DR?

Life must be horrible for you with such a overactive sense of empathy.

I can’t keep seeing the hand as her toes!

Dear God the fact that people are applauding this woman shows everything that’s wrong with our side of the political spectrum. Pure idiocy.

I'd love to see the source on that Kamen statistic... He's mostly known for debunking the view that the Inquisition was as brutal as protestant propagandists purported it was.

I love Parks & Rec, but Jean-Ralphio and Mona Lisa get close to ruining the show for me they are so subjectively awful. How anyone can enjoy that dreck is beyond me.

Different strokes for different folks. I've always said however, that I would wait until marriage to move in. Mostly because I'd like to leave some special "first" for after the big day and playing house is really one of the few options left for that.

Bill Simmons did one of these; though I believe it was 3 World Cups ago, so it's pretty outdated. And it only covers the EPL (I'm a La Liga guy, myself). But otherwise it's pretty good.

Is Vigo Celtic?

I'm not a big PC gamer but I really, really, loved The Banner Saga (though the ending was a bit of a letdown). I would highly recommend it.

Was her buddy Terry there?

Just an aside, this is a big thing in Spain because Ultra violence is pretty rare there (not on the same planet as the other regions you mentioned).

Thanks for the info!

A little off topic, but I've been holding off purchasing a current gen console for a while now because there haven't been a ton of games that have piqued my interest. But I would love to play both this game and Shadows of Mordor, and saw that they are on PS3 as well. Does anyone know if the quality is still good on

I don't feel it is, at least any more than other top tier leagues. In the past 15 years, 4 different teams have won the Premier League, 5 teams La Liga, and 5 teams the Bundesliga. It is unfortunately how top level soccer is structured now.

Yes. Neither Real Madrid or Barcelona won the league last year.

Are you implying the Premier League is better? Or the Bundesliga, perhaps? You do know that Atlético Madrid won La Liga last year, right?