It’snot the disc that is the property, it’s what’s on the disk.
It’snot the disc that is the property, it’s what’s on the disk.
Yes. Try mailcastr email tracker app for android to know when some one opens your mail.
D.B. Pooper
“tire traction device”
Seriously? Use a junk email address for it. This is a silly reason to avoid software entirely.
I feel like there should be a “guns for Miter saws” trade in going on. More people should focus on creating rather than destroying.
I feel like there should be a “guns for Miter saws” trade in going on. More people should focus on creating rather…
I upgraded from 7 to 10 over the winter holidays. It has so far been almost entirely painless; the “almost” is because I had to reinstall one driver for my docking station. Go ahead and make the jump.
Drunken tailgate shenanigans or elaborate interpretative dance forecasting the Bills season?
"(One time, a guy tried to make me show him pictures of my [imaginary] boyfriend on my phone to prove my [imaginary] boyfriend was real. That is crazy and not a thing you should do.)"
The Chemex and V60 are what are referred to as true cone drippers - they have wide open bottoms with filters that come to a point. The Kalita Wave is a truncated cone, also known as a basket, though its brew bed is a bit steeper than one you'd find in an auto-drip brewer. Melitta-style cones like the Beehouse are…
Wow, none of this is accurate. I have a feeling OP thinks guns are "evil" and has no personal experience with one.
While all of the information above is accurate, it's basically only useful for spotting people who are either uncomfortable with a weapon or who are carrying it improperly. Most quality holsters that are designed to be concealed are very difficult to spot, and the people using them are used to carrying, and won't…
Can you do a story on how Simple has been having service issues for nearly a full month now and is no longer reliable for half of the services I expect from a bank?
I'm in the middle of this company tech thing, but I want to say this: this is exactly the right thing to do when people aren't paying proper attention to a real problem; it's not something I completely ignored but I obviously didn't give it proper attention, and I'm sorry about that; give me about 24-48 hours to…
I just want to write dude, not dismiss bloody rape gif trolls every day. It is the worst part of our jobs to hear from commenters that they can't discuss, say, a teen girl being great at Little League without some person boasting a burner account using the collective comment thread as a chance to harass people.
"It's only a murder if it was intentional."
I'm guessing it first depends on whether they survive.
Well, y'see, when you drive up to the recruitment officer, you used to go through a bettery of standard tests. Checks if you've had your vaccinations, regular transmission fluid changes, measure your roofline, that sort of thing. About that time, the recruiting truck lifts you up, they pulls yer wheels off,and they…
I think you have the makings of an AMA on Reddit with that one.