
Yep, no thanks. Once a year for Fleet Week in SF is enough for me.

Can't freedom be a little quieter?

Every trip through the Sierras, and at least every hour or so a couple would fly over. It was cool the first couple times, but man it got old.

Goodbye loud ass fighter that kept interrupting a perfectly peaceful hike through the Sierras. I won't miss you and your damn afterburners.

please, no! One more way for those who insist on playing their crappy music as loud as their crappy speakers will go on a crowded bus.

I love Sequoia NP! High Sierra is one of my favorite trails but next time I'm going around The Kaweah's instead of over Pants Pass. Precipice Lake alone is worth the hike in.

It was stunning to watch from the Sierra high country! Nothing like getting up at 4am to climb the back side of Mt. Whitney and being greeted by a meteor shower.

I grew up with those things, none of us ever got injured. Kids today... What a bunch of pu$&ies

I hope so!

When I get stressed I grab my .45 and head to the range. There's something about the calm of finding my target, inhale... exhale... hold... squeeze the trigger and watching the hole appear in the paper target that helps me center myself.

When I get stressed I grab my .45 and head to the range. There's something about the calm of finding my target, inhale... exhale... hold... squeeze the trigger and watching the hole appear in the paper target that helps me center myself.

Wait wait wait. So dogs get hovercarpets but people don't get hoverboards?!

I set up those individual alerts, but nothing alerts except my primary tab no matter what options I pic. Hopefully they un-bork this soon

I use it when I'm backpacking. I have a Nomad that kept my phone, Delorme InReach and an iPad charged while doing a 250mi hike this year. I'm a big fan!

Check out the GoalZero stuff. Just as solariffic and it's tried, true and tested by those of us who spend a lot of time outdoors.

I used to live right by there. It would go out on its own all the time, hikers re-light it.

Can I fill my own pods? Maybe refill the tobacco ones with something a bit more... San Francisco friendly?

Glueing lego is blasphemy!

Sadly, no. That table is only good for network (or audio) gear, and even that's questionable.