Read the reviews on the scooba. I love my roomba 500 series, but the scooba is junk.
Read the reviews on the scooba. I love my roomba 500 series, but the scooba is junk.
Hmm. I have a high deductible PPO, they didn't spend a dime on my healthcare last year. Where's my check?
Umm. man traps are pretty typical for datacenter. What else ya got.
so side load the google play apk.
There's ads on facebook? Since when? Adblock+ FTW! Same thing, about $1000 less.
Heavy duty cases are heavy and large. A pain to carry.
I've wanted to put my MUNI card in my phone since I got one, but now with an NFC reader in my phone it would cause problems.
I hope they get all that beiber out of their system before they move to my neighborhood.
Hmm. The widget disappeared!
self replicating little satellite munchers? What could possibly go wrong?
The dev jellybean rom out there for the Vz Nexus is all sorts of buggy. Wait for a better one.
Congrats on quitting! It's a battle, but in the end it's totally worth it.
Camping, maybe. Backpacking, why not? Day hikes, sure! Climbing? Oh hell no. No no no. NO.
Me too. I'd totally wear those.
That wouldn't be too difficult to do with bluetooth
Well, I mean, to be fair we ARE pretty smug in The Bay Area.
My personal favorite way is to get work to spring for an aircard. YMMV of course, but it worked for me!
Ouch! We're not that evil. Websense - sure, but blocking other browsers is cruel and unusual. I just wish Thompson-Reuters would fix their damn webapps.