
Do food delivery services really cover that much of the country? The few I've seen seem to cover only some major metropolitan areas, which probably eliminate most of the country.

That's too high-tech.

The black-and-white "e-paper" displays are noticeably more readable than the color LCD displays used in the iPad and Xoom. The contrast is higher and they're completely readable in sunlight. On the other hand, these specialized e-paper displays are currently usable mainly as ebook readers, due to underlying

If you can, you should really try out the ebook reader before buying. The Nook Color has issues displaying PDF files, although it appears that buying an inexpensive app can fix this (reference: [bookclubs.barnesandnoble.com] ). While the Nook Color is a great bargain at $250, I'd strongly recommend the iPad if you

Everything also generally doesn't work with network drives, either:

Everything also doesn't work on network drives, unless you have a separate copy of Everything running on the network server. For most people that means that Everything doesn't work on network drives, because most people can't run programs on the network servers.

Yup, and the original picture — since changed — was that of a front loader. I was so hoping to see a whiny complaint where someone actually tried this in a front loader. "Ker-thump, pow, bang, boom, klunk, bonk, pow, bang, ..."


Regardless of whether or not you agree with the $0.99 pricing model, it's a severe hurdle for developers. From xkcd (WARNING: NSFW LANGUAGE): [www.penny-arcade.com]


There's one thing the "frozen coffee study" did not emphasize — how the coffee was kept frozen (I didn't see any mention if the chest freezer was self-defrosting or not).

Well, my wallet has likely been thicker at times. However, when thick, my wallet tends to be significantly thinner around the edges, which makes for a better pocket feel/fit (wallet is then curved). With its boxy edges, this would likely feel like a brick in my pocket. So, since I wouldn't put this in any pants

Hehe, distressed leather and coloring (spine) aside, I still think it's shaped like a zipperless clutch. Just make it black or pink vinyl with the exact same design. :)

No, thanks. "Book spine" aside, I think it looks like a woman's clutch purse.

Funny, just about every spotify ad I've heard is SOOOO different from what I'm listening to, that the ad falls into the "pig vomit" category. I don't think I've ever heard a spotify ad that wasn't like that.


No, as others have more-or-less said, this method requires low humidity. If you live in an area with high humidity (which is much of the country, such as the South), this method won't work well.

I'm happy with the existing minimal menu, customized with the "Personal Menu" addon.

Meh. Until Prime supports tivo and iOS devices, it's just a netflix wannabe. Meh.

OK, early adopters: according to Vic Gundotra on G+, people who downloaded the app early may have gotten the wrong (older/buggier) version from Apple. Click on the gear button and look over the help button — if you don't have or later, you need to uninstall and reinstall.