

+1, however twitter is good for the bleeding-edge news (but only during significant events like earthquakes, etc.)

I'll stick with gmail, as it allows me to do more than hotmail (e.g., IMAP). And, with archiving, who needs to worry about deleting?

lol, he probably shouldn't eat any bananas, regardless of where — or when — it was grown. And he really, really shouldn't fly on any airplanes, either.

Heh, facetime, anyone? Add some wifi, and you'll really have a Dick Tracy watch. (No, this won't happen — there's not enough space for a front-facing camera, even assuming that you could somehow get decent battery life.)

Note that there is currently a memory issue with FF4 and gmail (reported in bugzilla). If you start FF4 and open a gmail tab, FF4 will be using 1-2GB of memory after a day or so. Current thinking is that this is possibly a gmail issue, but it's weird that the memory growth is nowhere near as bad on FF3.6.

1password might be usable, but I think that it has some significant issues:

Basically, you configure gmail filters to automatically forward a copy to boxcar's servers (to a special address — unique to you — that they give you). They parse the mail, and send you a notification. They do NOT need your login information, and they claim that they don't save copies of your email. You still use

Uh, with gmail, you can control which messages which messages are pushed to your iPhone. You don't have to be spammed with every incoming message. I've been doing this ever since the iPhone supported push, and life is much easier when only the important messages get pushed.

Not sure if this is quite what you're looking for, but both boxcar and notifo can display email popups on the iPhone. However, I don't know if there is functionality equivalent to the "view" button, or if you just have to manually open up mail.app or safari. (Sorry, I don't use either of these for email.)

One annoyance with the Firefox button is that it's a restrictive subset of the Menu Bar. Extensions can add useful buttons and menu entries to the Menu Bar, but these are missing in the Firefox button. You can fix this by using the "Personal Menu (Personal Firefox Button) 5.0.1" addon, which allows you to customize

Uh, full screen support and optional auto-hide of menu/tabs are still there.

Jeez, looks like Galveston, after Katrina.

So, what are the viable alternatives to Beluga? I really like Beluga, but the thought of the possilibility of required FB logins makes me ill. GroupMe seems closest, but there's no web interface. Group Text seems like another possibility, but the reviews say that it's buggy. Loopt is buggy, and kik isn't even in

Now that whereoscope is shutting down, what are people planning on using?

I happen to like the "Web Albums" app ($1.99), but I don't think you really want an app. Can't you just copy the files directly from the mounted iPhone pictures directory when you connect the iPhone to your win7 PC? You can copy the files to a dropbox directory, or you can use one of the many windows-based image

It's the sucker edition if it only has something like 16GB (I can't tell — anyone know?). If this "$600 w/contract" is for a 64GB Xoom, the iPad has just gotten some serious competition (just as a reminder, the 64GB 3G iPad is $829). If it's a 64GB Xoom, lots of consumers will go for a $600 w/2-year contract, as

I use that "important label" feature, too, but it has a huge annoying bug: if you remove that label from a message, either from the inbox page or the message view page, that message is still displayed in the inbox page under that label, even though the label is clearly no longer attached to the message. You have to

Yup. :(

Oh My Fantastic Ghu. Only single geeks are going to use this. After a single morning of constant "tweep-tweep" noises from all of the misses (because, hey, most people aren't Calamity Jane accurate upon waking up), their significant other will smash the phaser over their head ...