It would have been a huge character moment if they hadn’t just reverted Ren to a hate-filled, angsty teenager again immediately after. Cool plot point with story potential wasted. There are a bunch in this movie. It’s too bad, really.
It would have been a huge character moment if they hadn’t just reverted Ren to a hate-filled, angsty teenager again immediately after. Cool plot point with story potential wasted. There are a bunch in this movie. It’s too bad, really.
“Most normal people”? What is that? I’d wager everyone in this thread is a Star Wars fan to some degree and most of them are defending the movie. So clearly “Star Wars fans” aren’t just gatekeeping or whatever.
“Some people are insufferable.” That’s more accurate. That’s the case with literally everything. If anything,…
It freaking kills me that they bothered to introduce Phasma at all, “killed” her, brought her back, and then just killed her again. Why was she there in the first place? And if you’re going to bring her back, why not use her rather than give her a handful of lines and kill her again?
Same thing with Snoke. Like, you…
Especially if a ship that’s significantly smaller can take out a ship so large. It almost doesn’t make sense to have anything but fighters and bombers. Anything larger is just asking to get cut in half by some cheap, mass-manufactured junk ship with a hyperdrive engine or whatever they call it in Star Wars.
That wasn’t the problem. The problem is that the premises of basically everything in the movie are super weak and, more broadly, the OT has been cheapened.
People have to stop going “Theme! QED!” Having a theme doesn’t mean your execution is perfect. And many people had issues with the execution of said theme. That doesn’t mean they didn’t get it; it simply means they didn’t like how events played out.
Oh c’mon now, don’t pull a No True Scotsman on us.
I don’t agree with all your points, but I totally feel you on the sloppy and inconsistent explanation of the Force. At first I thought Luke was just being old and jaded, but I’m just not sure.
I honestly stopped caring about Poe because of it. As Ethan said, they could have better character developed in the resistance ship.
I mean, this theme is fair, but that doesn’t mean it was well executed, which I don’t think it was. You don’t need useless plot sidequests that go awry to illustrate failure.
If you don’t understand why the Finn and Rose adventure was important
“We shouldn’t fight the ones we hate, we should save the ones we love!”
It’s just as you say. The movie sucked in ways many video games do because the movie was made the same (wrong) way those games are: end to beginning and bullet-point driven.
“everyone who disagrees with me is a troll”
I think you’re thinking of the interdictor cruisers. Not even sure if I spelled that right. The ones that prevent hyperspace.
By the time this scene happened I had already checked out and was joyfully pulling on the threads of awfulness and thought the same thing. If one ship can lightspeed destroy and entire fleet why are they just shooting lightspeed ships at each other?
The Last Jedi story structure goes like this:
I might have enjoyed Finn & Rose’s story if the codebreaker they had been sent to find had turned out to be Lando.
I was out as soon as Leia woke up and started flying through space like Iron Man. This movie sucks, it has a few cool visuals and that’s about it.
The moment Admiral Holdo turn the ship around and cut Snoke’s cruiser in two with a hyperdrive jump is where the movie jumped the shark. What, nobody thought about doing that in the first place? Dude, that could have saved a hell of a time and potentially winning the war if they get lucky enough to kill every First…