If you think whining on this site is going to “change the world” you’re even more delusional than I suspected. Fucking Millennial idiot.
If you think whining on this site is going to “change the world” you’re even more delusional than I suspected. Fucking Millennial idiot.
If you “don’t see the point in telling everyone else what they should care about” why are you whining about white people being cast in movies at all? After all, you don’t see the point in telling anyone what they should care about, right?
dou·ble stand·ard
Not ad lapidem at all. Just something you disagree with.
This is a double standard, by definition. Looks like you are just willfully ignorant. Or just biased. Either way.
This is literally a double standard:
I don’t think white people give a shit. Frankly, I don’t know why any sane person gives a flying fuck who gets cast in this piece of shit movie. Get a fucking life.
Good job missing the entire point. Well done! Two paragraphs of drivel!
Bro, welcome to 2017 where you get hated for not being an absolutist or failing the purity checks put in place by BOTH freaking sides.
I thought being an adult was to be able to see shades of gray but apparently, modern adulting is saying “either you are with us or you are against us”.
You know what? I let them. When…
Couldn’t agree more
They’re really not, which is my biggest problem with this site and its sister properties right now. Issues of race are complicated, with many shades of gray and many different perspectives about what constitutes acceptable behavior. The conversation around appropriation and representation in the media is particularly…
In the original Aladdin story, Aladdin is Chinese, not Caucasian. Also, when it comes to fictional characters, why does this matter? This is not much different than idiots who think that Santa must be white or that god is an old white guy. It’s all make believe. Second narrower point: in the animated movie, princes…
There’s not enough of us on the internet these days my friend. Fortunately, the vast majority of my black/ Latino friends irl aren’t like that at all
I’ve been there plenty, but I don’t comment. I’m Latino, not black, so something tells me I wouldn’t be too welcome in their community. I’ve already been called a whitewashed piece of shit / coconut / fake sock-puppet by a few prominent Root commenters on other sites, mostly for continuing to express my view that…
Dude have you been to The Root? They’ll call you a coon for even questioning this outrage
Ridiculous? Ancient Egypt for a time was under Roman rule and ruling Roman emperors were called pharoahs by their Egyptian subjects. Now for the debate about whether or not Ancient Romans can be considered ‘white.’
This is such a smug, fucked up attitude that you have, and a great way to make everyone who’s not an extreme left-wing race activist hate us (and yes, that includes a lot of minorities). Diversity is not a zero-sum game. Either we want big tentpole movies like this to look like real life and include people of all…
Let the part dictate the look of the actor. If the part is written as a “European Prince” then fine. If the part is written for a”Nubian Prince” that’s not fine. If it’s ambiguous then the casting should should fit the setting. A white guy showing up in ancient Africa is ridiculous.
they can’t pick a lane. classic