
I've never encountered someone who professes to be liberal and "hates Russia". A lot of us have very specific and very serious criticisms of Russia's current government, however.

Oh god, it's going to be one of those!?

Criticizing an autocratic dictator counts as xenophobia? Really?

Yeah, I've never run into this either.

That's pretty crazy.

But Putin doesn't even profess to be a socialist. He was officially a Communist in Soviet days, of course, but since the '90s he's only ever been affiliated with centre-right parties.

It's almost as though he's not history's greatest monster. Hmm, makes you think…

I picked it up the other day as well. Yeah, it's not quite what I was expecting. I mean, I suppose there's something kind of nice about being able to trace the history of this single story in isolation rather than pick through the many volumes of HoMe. But it doesn't really add anything.

Another band I would have loved to see live, though a bit of a more obscure pick and not my first choice, would be the Electric Prunes. Though they were fairly tame in the studio, they were apparently energized and quite powerful live, as evidenced by their live album Stockholm '67.

It's really sad how for so many people their image of Louis Armstrong is purely him singing ballads with Ella Fitzgerald. The Hot Fives & Sevens were amazing.

I just think it's crazy that someone actually called the police on them. The freakin' Beatles are playing on a roof and someone's reaction was, "Well, that's against code, innit?"

Wow, I hadn't actually realized until now that there was ever a show with all five of them on stage at once.

I heard an interview with this guy on the radio today. It was hilarious. He was ready with a truly funny, Python-esque answer to every question.

Yes, I mean obviously you can't pardon yourself out of impeachment.

I suspect there is a reasonable Constitutional challenge that could be made against a president pardoning himself.

Yeah, the Obama administration stretched the definition of espionage in a harmful way. And now Trump gets to use that precedent. This is way it's bad when presidents accumulate more and more power, even if they (initially) use it in seemingly "good" ways. (Not that I'm saying Obama always used it in good ways).

Yeah. Leaking Valerie Plame's identity as a CIA operative? Pretty bad. Leaking what the president said to you in an unclassified conversation? Not so much.

Was this over-hyped? I don't remember hearing anyone at all predict that Comey would say Trump personally colluded with Russia, or anything like that. On the contrary, every prediction I heard was that the testimony itself would be anti-climactic after the testimony released Wednesday. I thought it turned out to be

Having been in Canada during that election, I still find it hilarious that "the longest campaign in Canadian history" was, like, two months.

Is impeachment a high bar to clear? Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were both impeached on rather flimsy pretexts for entirely partisan reasons. I think the case against Trump is far more solid than the case was against either of them.