
Pre… pare? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that term, you adorable little puppet.

And here I thought that everything about him was very, very small.

FiveThirtyEight's model gave Trump about a 20% chance of winning. Which means it shouldn't be shocking that he won. People are just generally not very good with statistical things. The models that were giving him a <1% chance probably deserve some criticism. But FiveThirtyEight's model, which gave him about a

Yeah, one of the things that keeps getting pointed out at FiveThirtyEight is that the political events of the past year don't actually completely defy logic. The things that you'd expect to hurt Trump did hurt him. And the polls were not all that wrong; they were a few points off, which is a fairly normal polling

Louis Armstrong with the Hot Fives is an excellent choice.

I'd kind of love to be able to see them when Gummo was still around.

My first choice would have to be Mozart. In his lifetime, his reputation as a keyboard virtuoso rivaled or exceeded his reputation as a composer, and every description of his playing is unanimous in praising his improvisational skills.

He says "Nico-less" as if that's a bad thing when it comes to the Velvet Underground…

This just seems like a pointless semantic argument to me. Definitions are arbitrary.

The Anakin/Padme romance worked for me. Because in real life, attraction is often inscrutable, and people who don't appear to have any so-called "chemistry" do, in fact, sometimes form romantic attachments.

I'm going to say it: I like the prequels.

Godspeed, Mr. President.

I . . . I never got that until now.

Please don't compliment Trump.

It's quite possible that Comey's testimony won't about to much, but I am also absolutely certain that Trump is actually this stupid and petty. If his insults were really at fifth-grade level, that would be a surprisingly good showing.

And did you bend it?

Yeah, that's the thing. Impeachment is quite possible if the Democrats retake the House in 2018, but there's no way they're going to get the Senate, let alone come anywhere near the 2/3 threshold needed. Removing him would require Republican votes, and that won't happen unless his approval rating among Republicans

"Evidence"? I don't think anyone associated with Breitbart is familiar with that word.

Well, cats are far cuter. Really just about any mammal is far cuter than a human baby, except possibly the naked mole rat.

I'm sick of him already.