
That's OK, I'll have all your overpriced sours!

I think High Anxiety is woefully underrated, but part of that may be because I'm a pretty huge Hitchcock fan.

Yeah, I just don't generally like remakes of good movies.

That doesn't look like Guy Incognito - it must be some kind of impostor!

Tirion on Tuna, near the village of Tuna on White Bread, in the Deli region of Aman.

Oh, don't get me started on the Jutes! A weregild of 100 gold shillings for a ceorl!? Ridiculous! Go back to Jutland, you Frank-loving cow farmers! Vortigern never should've invited you over.

And why is no one tackling the pressing problem of oligarchical democracy?

Also, Mo Rocca wearing a bowtie when he was a Daily Show correspondent.

Ic haebbe in Ealde Englisce ge-writen eac swa.

Yeah, there's a late text that says that she and Feanor were the most powerful of the Eldar in Aman, but I don't think there's anything that puts her above Feanor.

Yeah, I actually like it too. I just think it's funny when you take it out of context. Kind of like how odd it sounds if you tell someone that the character who eventually became Sauron started out as a cat.

Yeah, the issue of the number of Balrogs is a thorny one. The Fall of Gondolin is one of the tales where there's less difference between the earliest and later versions than most, though. (Granted, part of that is just because other than the abortive version in UT, the only later versions he ever wrote were very

He believes in marrying upward.

Also a vampire!

I'd heard Ringo as Frodo and Paul as Sam.

As both a Beatles fanatic and a Tolkien fanatic, I judge this post to be brilliant.

Hey, if it weren't for the Steve Hoffman forum I never would have realized that there's a second Sagittarius album after Present Tense.

Luthien and the dog (Huan) definitely deserve the credit. Beren basically just kept getting into trouble and needing them to bail him out.

It's also worth pointing out that J.R.R. Tolkien made Christopher his literary executor and explicitly gave him permission to use his judgement as to what to do with all the unpublished writings.

I like the Lost Tales version. When I first read the Book of Lost Tales, I thought of it as inferior early versions of the Silmarillion, but I've come to appreciate it more. It has a different aesthetic sensibility - less realism and more fairy-tale logic, so to speak. But in a way it's much more lively. The Fall