
You are a true believer. Blessings of the state, blessings of the masses. Thou art a subject of the divine, created in the image of man, by the masses, for the masses. Let us be thankful we have an occupation to fill. Work hard; increase production, prevent accidents, and be happy.

I guess this is one of those "best words" he has.

I've dropped and broken* my glasses. And my glasses are nerd-grade thickness.

But that was from an earlier season! Are you suggesting that this was written by some kind of… heh… time travelling writer? I hope you get fired for that blunder.

Yeah, that's exactly the issue I have with Pulaski's attacks on Data. Also, it's obvious that beneath their sparring, Spock and McCoy do actually have some kind of friendship and respect for each other - whereas Pulaski just starts insulting Data the moment she meets him.

He played the flute in other episodes as well. "A Fistful of Datas" is the one that comes to mind.

Eh, I think "A Fistful of Datas" is a lot more tolerable than "Cost of Living". As stupid as "A Fistful of Datas" is, there's at least something a little bit fun about it. "Cost of Living" is as dull as it is stupid.

I literally have "The Greatest Generation" on right now. Great show.

There are definitely TOS episodes where Shatner earns his scenery-chewing reputation, but yeah, on the whole he's a much better actor than he's given credit for. Abrams-Kirk comes across like a caricature made by someone whose idea of Kirk comes entirely from secondhand popular culture references.

Those are definitely good choices. The other one I'd consider top-tier TOS is "Journey to Babel", but I'll admit that part of that may just be my nerdy love for seeing all those Federation species, not to mention meeting Sarek for the first time.

Yeah, "The Trouble with Tribbles" deserves every bit of it's popularity. It's an incredibly fun, really offbeat episode for the series.

There always has to be an argument in the comments about which episode is the best! (Incidentally, it's "All Good Things").

Yeah, I don't mind Lwaxana much either. I think most of her episodes are decidedly mediocre, but they're definitely not the worst of Star Trek. Having said that, the mudbath episode ("Cost of Living") is pretty far down there.

We all know what "hiking on the Appalachian Trail" really means these days.

Yeah, I don't understand that either. It's possible that I'm mis-remembering their relationship, but I really thought it was her husband, because I remember thinking, "Hmm, maybe she just wanted the most destructive possible form of divorce."

Turns out it's not politics that's in his blood - it's selling out.

I read a story about a Trump voter whose husband - an illegal immigrant - was deported after Trump took office. She was like, "Well, yes, I knew he was going to deport illegal immigrants, but I didn't think he'd deport my husband."

When are they gonna get to the fireworks factory!?

Indeed. And obviously, the use of articles is very different in different languages. However, I don't think it's correct to say that the definite article "carries no information". Apart from idiomatic special cases like "That's the life", the English definite article conveys information about whether the speaker

And yet "That's life" and "That's the life" mean very different things.