
Yeah, it just seems like it would be kind of rude and creepy to make physical contact like that with someone you don't actually know but are probably attracted to.

These GJIs are doing the important work of telling people on the internet about stuff they could be watching/reading if they'd just go on the internet.

Look, all anyone's saying is that Disney movies/romantic subplots are responsible for every bad thing that ever happened, that's all.

Hmm, I could swear that I remember renting VHS tapes in their original packages, but I could be wrong.

For a moment I saw only one exclamation point and thought you were expecting one and a half.

I assume those tapes are rentals.

I came to the comments section to say this.

Um . . . are you implying that Thundercats "isn't particularly good"? I won't tolerate such a ridiculously false statement!

You say that as if the survival of the species were a self-evidently worthwhile goal. Also as whether people will continue to produce offspring is truly in some doubt.

Yeah, The Ring is one of the better silent Hitchcocks.- it's made very competently, with what feels like a surprisingly sure hand - something you don't quite feel even in The Lodger. The Lodger is by far the standout of his silent period, though.

Why does it seem that so many websites are intent on making the user experience worse with each update?

If you mean the sum of the internal angles, then that's simply not true. The sum of the internal angles of a polygon is (n-2)*180 degrees, where n is the number of sides.

I thought the reference to the Imperial March was pretty obvious. What's more interesting is that there was actually a reference to the original imperial motif from A New Hope, which I don't think has been used in any of the movies since then.


I love Family Plot, to be honest. It's quite fun. In fact, I think I like it better than Frenzy.

Sounds like somebody hasn't been infected by that parasite that makes you love cats.

I thought it was chicken roasted by a bro.

"To be fair, Eater couldn’t get information from the big pizza
chains, meaning fans of Papa Johns and Pizza Hut are probably sorely

Getting close to being done with the symphony I'm writing at the moment, and I'm fairly pleased with it. It's just a small-ish Classical-style thing, but it's definitely better than my previous efforts in the genre. I also had someone on a composers' forum call a little piano piece I wrote "bold, propulsive, and

The Book of Lost Tales is very different from the '77 Silmarillion, both in style and content. But if you find BoLT "dry", you might not like the Silmarillion. (I mean, I love it more than life itself, but I'm weird).