
I've always wanted there to be a documentary about Hugo Weaving's influences and upbringing called Weaving Hugo. You know, the many threads in the tapestry that is Hugo Weaving.

I don't care about sports. It's just kind of annoying when the things one's interested in reading or hearing about are buried under an avalanche of stuff one doesn't care about, is all. Sorry that I'm like, destroying Cleveland or whatever. (Though I don't use Twitter, so maybe I'm not to blame? Not sure how that


I don't even have a cell phone (smart or otherwise). Nor have I ever had a Facebook account.

For what it's worth, I didn't sense any vitriol from Mehdi's comment. Just a slightly hyperbolic "I don't like this". It's easy to misread someone's tone over the internet; perhaps that is what has happened here?

Well, if he wanted to, he probably would have done so by now…

Hobbes looks good, but Calving looks pretty weird as soon as you start changing the angle.

Every single "It's so dense" has so many things going on.

Mother, Why Don't You Just Make a List of Things I Can Sleep With So I Don't Have to Keep Asking You?

So, I hate disco with a burning passion, as if it had killed my family and everyone I love. If I could go back in time and either kill Hitler before his rise to power or erase disco from history, it would be a difficult choice.


You know, I just realized that I've never seen anything from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. There are enough films that you'd think one of them would have been in my field of vision at some point over the years, even if I'm not much of a superhero person, but no.

Huh, doesn't work like that anymore?

Two things, etc.

Yeah, there's plenty of blame to go around - but if those Nader voters had voted for Gore, there would have been no recount for the Supreme Court to stop; Gore would have won the state outright.

Nader definitely swung the vote in Florida by enough to prevent Gore from unambiguously winning the state.

The Quincunx is a brilliant book that deserves to be way better known than it is.

Exactly. Time Travel would have an All-Inclusive Resort where you could say you went to 1066 but never actually had to leave poolside.

People who voted for Nader, who otherwise would have preferred Gore to Bush, led directly to Bush's presidency. They accomplished nothing for the Left with those votes, but a great deal for the Right.

"…inspired." "…+".