
I can attest that it's not just those of us who grew up without cable. When I was about ten (early '90s), aside from Star Trek: The Next Generation, my favorite television shows were all from the '60s: Get Smart, The Addams Family, the original Star Trek, the Dick Van Dyke show.

Then what's Mrs. Brown, You've Got a Lovely Daughter?

I just feel like, if all you can come up with to protest is people barbecuing and roses being in bloom, you're not exactly cut out to be an incisive satirist.

"Pleasant Valley Sunday" is a great song, but - and maybe this is just my happy suburban childhood talking - I can't help but hear it as a nostalgic ode to suburbia instead of the biting criticism that was intended. "Charcoal burning everywhere"? Count me in!

Why the devil is it in the progressive aspect, "I'm loving it" instead of just "I love it"? Seems like the implication is "Yeah, sure, right now I'm loving it, but who knows, tomorrow might be a Burger King day."

Leo McKern.

Books I'll probably/maybe read this summer:

Wasn't meant as an argument, just a statement of fact. You seemed to think that your view is self-evident and universally agreed upon; I'm saying it's not. I haven't the time or the stamina to actually argue substantively about it here, though.

Strongly disagree.

The Lord of the Rings is to modern fantasy as Sgt. Pepper is to psychedelia. Didn't invent it, but made it a big thing.

In the earlier versions of the myths (mainly 'The Book of Lost Tales', but really in everything pre-LotR), they were called "gods" all the time.

Could have sworn I've read it many times and enjoyed it tremendously, but if it's 'unreadable', I guess I'm mistaken…

Well, yeah, I mean white noise has a very specific definition. The more uniform the distribution of frequencies, the whiter it is.

Hey Florida, I think it's a bit rich for you to complain about people ignoring Al Gore.

That's highly debatable.

It's OK, I checked my privilege. It's doing just fine, thanks.

Outrage is indeed fairly ridiculous, but I think annoyance is a perfectly valid reaction to a remake. I don't particularly care about the Ghostbusters remake (I think it's pointless, but whatever), but if you take something like the Star Trek reboot, which annoyed/annoys me, I think my reactions were kind of…

Maybe people wouldn't feel the need to post 7 minute videos, because others wouldn't otherwise assume that their reason for not seeing it was misogyny?

OK, but Ghostbusters is also way better known and more popular than either Robocop or Total Recall

Then I take it you favor rights for bonobos and gorillas.