
The Fountainhead is one of my three least favourite books that I've read.

You know, as much as I think most of Paul's late '70s to '80s stuff is utterly execrable, I have to admit that I don't hate this song.

To be fair, that can be difficult this time of the year, what with everything capable of producing sound blasting them at you.

I find this song to be a lot more fun if you pretend that the words are "slaying song".

No, the thing is that though Calvin was an extremely id-driven child, he also had a certain naive wisdom. Calvin was a monster, but he was fundamentally good. Trump is fundamentally very, very not good.

Physical laughter is the best kind.

Hey, I may be fat and sarcastic, but… wait, what was that third thing you called me?

No, thank you.

As much as I dislike J.J. Abrams, the real reason I don't like the idea of these new films is this ridiculous de-canonization of the EU. Well, you know what, Disney? "Canon" is just a made up concept. And my concept is to reject this profit-grubbing revisionism. The Force Awakens did not.happen; the EU did.

Well, of course I have a sickness in my mind; that goes without saying.

I still love Zahn's books. It's true that they're very cinematic, and hypothetically probably could make good movies. The real thing making that impossible, though, is that the cast has been too old to play the characters as of those books for a long time (i.e. only five years after RotJ).

I thought the Jedi Academy trilogy was OK, but then I read those right after I'd discovered the EU and was still on a high from the Thrawn trilogy. Darksaber was not so good, but it wasn't even the worst of the Callista books - that would have to be the execrable Planet of Twilight.

Tales from Jabba's Palace was especially good, as I recall. And I loved the Zahn/Stackpole novella in Tales from the Empire.

I loved the prequels when they came out, and I still do. There are, obviously, things about them that I don't like. But there is much, much more that I do like. I consider them great movies The hatred for these films is so fervent and so ubiquitous that I'm sometimes afraid to admit that.

There were definitely a lot of good things in Bakshi's version, as well as ridiculously terrible things. Rosenman's music was pretty great, and the Black Riders were genuinely creepy.

Actually, the OED records both spellings appearing from the earliest use of the word.

OK, let's make that something everyone should be able to agree on:

Tolkien started spelling it with a "k" late in his life.

Still better than Jackson's movies…

And then when he actually starts doing the right thing and pulling out of the settlements, he goes into a coma.