
Ooh, I know this one. It's a joke!

I honestly hadn't been aware of this video until just now.

So, you're saying that in the next movie she'll probably be running nude except for a blindfold… right?

Yes! I've never understood why "vanilla" means bland. Vanilla isn't bland. I mean, if we need a flavour metaphor, can't we at least go with, I don't know, white bread or something?

Maude Cleaver?

As the OED confirms, it's the same word (applied to the Australasian animals due to their similarity to the North American animal); the aphetic form 'possum' is simply more common in Australia and New Zealand than elsewhere.

I agree with all of your praise, but Madmartigan is definitely not basically Aragorn. He's Han Solo.

Yep, I've owned the DVD for many years now. It's about due for a re-watch, I should say.

Furthermore, the word is "opossum", not "possum".

I really don't see why parodying Star Wars ten years after it was made is bad, if parodying Frankenstein forty-three years after it was made is not bad. Also, note that while Spaceballs was made ten years after the original movie, it was only four years after Return of the Jedi.

I actually see more of a shift between seasons 2 and 3 than between 1 and 2. At the very least, there are episodes (like "The Injury" or "Michael's Birthday") that would right into season 1.

I'll go ahead and say it: season 1 is great. The only weak episode is the pilot.

Scott's Tots was great, and Erin was definitely one of the bright spots of the later seasons, I'll give you that.

Agreed. One of the small things I liked about the show in seasons 1 and 2 was that everyone looked like regular people. In season 3 they started looking like television characters. Which I guess is not altogether unfair, since that's what they are…

Yeah, I guess I mostly agree with that assessment - the writing stayed consistently great through season 5, it's just that the tone shifted. For me, that tonal shift made the show slightly less great, but that's obviously a very subjective thing.

Nah, I maintain that it started to go downhill as early as season 3 - though it did so very slowly at first. For me, the raw, uncomfortable workplace humor of seasons 1 and 2 is far preferable to the soap opera-ish relationship drama that gradually took over over the course of the first five or so seasons. But

You know, as clip shows go, I don't really have a problem with "All Singing, All Dancing". Better than "Gump Roast", anyway.

It all fits!

I listen to almost no music from after about 1973, yet it's still rather embarrassing how recently I realized that Bono and Sonny Bono are different people.

Um, woah. Calm down. I'm not ruining any discussions, and I fully expect an article about Dressed to Kill to tell me what happens in Dressed to Kill. I just want people to be able to enjoy movies without their surprises being needlessly spoiled.