
I first saw the original Planet of the Apes when I was so young that I can't even remember whether I knew the twist going into it. Have not seen The Crying Game, but I do know the twist. However, the fact that many people have already been spoiled does not mean you can assume everyone has!

There is no statute of limitation on spoilers. If a person hasn't seen a given movie, it doesn't matter whether the film is a week old or a century old; if you tell them the twist, you've ruined that surprise for them.

But he needs it!

I was going to say this. I hadn't conceived of music like that being possible until I heard it.

Well, all right, I guess I don't actually think Kes was all that interesting. But I do think she was more interesting than Seven of Nine.

Wait, Sheldon isn't the audience surrogate? Hmm, this explains a lot about my life…

Seven of Nine? Seriously!? You mean the cheap offering to the male gaze that was made in a desperate attempt to improve ratings, forcing out the much more interesting (and, ironically, actually more attractive) Kes? You mean the character whose insipid and cliched struggle to find her humanity became the primary

From Duck Soup, "It was a seven-letter word" gets used by me (with an old New York accent) frequently when I'm trying to think of a word.

My mother uses that quote all the time.

No. No, you cannot.

I think this is kind of a book-fan/movie-fan shibboleth. I see that and think to myself, 'The quote is "You cannot pass"'.

When some unexpected trouble comes up, I often find myself thinking, if not saying, "I hate Illinois Nazis".

Speaking of Paul McCartney, I seem to remember a story that Paul saw Hendrix the day after Sgt. Pepper was released, and Hendrix covered the title song.

I think Voyager was sometimes dreadfully bad - in particular, the sixth season was pretty miserable - but on the whole, it was a good series. At its best, it could rival the best of TOS, TNG, or DS9. I just wish we'd seen that best more often.

There are episodes I like, but on the whole, I really don't think Enterprise was a good show, and I think a prequel series was the wrong direction to go.

I must say, though I like the conceit of "The Notion Club Papers", I think "The Lost Road" was more promising. What I'd give for all those missing chapters…

The interesting thing is that both TMP and WoK is that each of them embodies certain aspects of the series, while omitting others. TMP has the thoughtfulness and the optimistic humanism of the series, but it's missing the strong characters and interactions of Kirk, Spock, and Bones. WoK has the character-driven

There are lots of Hitchcock movies that I think are underrated (I'll happily defend anything from silents like The Ring and The Farmer's Wife to late stuff like Topaz and Family Plot), but The Trouble with Harry is probably the only one that I think is truly a masterpiece and doesn't get acknowledged as such.

I too like Barry Lyndon a lot; I'd probably put it third after 2001 and Dr. Strangelove. It's quite possibly the most visually beautiful film ever made, but it has a lot more going for it than just that. Things like the duel between Barry and Bullington are surprisingly intense given how slow and detached their

My favourite Mel Brooks movie is High Anxiety. That might have to do with me being a huge Hitchcock fan, but in any case, I think it's severely underrated.