
I don't agree that they're as good as Pet Sounds or Smile, but those later albums are definitely underrated. Sunflower, in particular, is a minor masterpiece.

OotP is probably my favourite of the books and my least favourite of the movies. The direction and acting were just not good. Too much manufactured melodrama.

I don't think TMP is a great movie, but yeah, it is definitely underrated.

That presupposes a simplistic and very non-obvious definition of what a movie is supposed to be. If you ask me, being a funny movie is one way of being a good movie. Duck Soup is a very funny movie, and a very good one.

I must confess that I actually like Generations. It's far from perfect, but it's got a lot of good stuff in it. It's also the film that feels the most like the series, which is not surprising given that it was essentially produced by the show's staff (it was written concurrently with the final season, was directed

Umm, that's not Earl Hyman belting out Panthro's lines. He's doing the Ancient Spirits of Evil in that clip.

Please tell me that your use of 'lay' instead of 'lie' there was ironic.

I want to know what class gets an experience bonus for parenthetical terminology prophylaxis.

If a pterodactyl could sing like you, they'd sing much sweeter than they do…

The fact that cyrillic has a letter that looks like that doesn't mean that ë is a cyrillic letter.

Seriously, thanks.

You suggested that if they are not using the one black writer for his "radar", then they may as well not have him on the team. To me, that sounds crazy.

That's funny, your tone suggests you don't.

OK, now start the presses!

"Pretty much the point of having a black guy on the team is to use his radar"? Really? It's not, like, that he's a talented guy?

I also agree with Thomas R about Worf's sour relations with his family on DS9. If you ask me, he was a more complex, nuanced character on TNG - which is odd, since DS9 generally had the more complex characters.

I thought "Sir, I protest. I am not a merry man!" was just as funny.

See: "Heart of Glory", "The Emissary", "The Bonding", "Sins of the Father", "Family", "Reunion", "New Ground", "Firstborn". Worf was not a one-note character on TNG.

I've always been of the opposite opinion, though I know I'm in the minority; I like TNG-Worf a lot better than DS9-Worf. I feel like on DS9 he tended to become a caricature of himself.

Worf's role was expanding already over the course of season 1, before Crosby left, so I suspect that he would have ended up being a prominent presence anyway.