
Ah, thank you. I guess I had heard a mangled version of that story.

Nirvana is an obscure band from the '60s that I like. Unfortunately, Nirvana is also a very unobscure band from the '90s that I hate.

Well, The Faces and The Small Faces were kind of different incarnations of the same band, weren't they? Whereas the name "Guess Who" was just some record executive hoping people would buy the album thinking it was The Who.

I came here to post this. When I was reading Shades of Grey I lived in constant fear of people thinking I was reading 50 Shades of Grey.

There's more to directing than cinematography. Allen is a great writer, but he's also great at getting strong performances out of his cast.

Hitchcock, maybe. He was a great filmmaker before he came to Hollywood, but the majority of his great works (and all the ones your average person will think of if you mention Hitchcock) were done after the move.

I've seen very little by him, but I just don't get Wes Anderson. It's all style for the sake of style. All form and no content. I have the same complaint about Tarantino.

The only plausible explanation I can think of is that they intended to list him under 'Konigsberg' to give Kubrick some competition, and then forgot.

There is no universal agreement on how to alphabetize surnames that start with a preposition. I suppose the modern tendency in the English-speaking world is to alphabetize by the preposition, but at least until about a hundred years ago, the opposite tendency existed in many places. In census records from the

For me it's a toss-up between Sunrise and Metropolis. Sunrise is less ambitious, but it's just about perfect for what it is.

The only other thing I can think of that I've seen him in is The Finances of the Grand Duke, and he looked pretty creepy in that too…

Speak for yourself. When I was a kid, my favourite was Duck Soup, as it still is.

I'm going to assume you mean you had a nosebleed.

I suspect the perpetrator was a city girl, or possibly Nosferatu.

But why would they lie to us about what they love? And here I was about to start saying and doing all those things just to make them happy…

I love that Stan "The Boy" Taylor joke.

What you say sounds reasonable in the abstract, but the fact of the matter is that episodes like 'I Love Lisa', 'Lisa the Vegetarian', 'Lisa the Iconoclast', and 'Lisa's Wedding' are still very, very funny.

I know! "Baker Street" is perhaps slightly preferable, but come on, why not some Coltrane, or Charlie Parker? You know, signify Lisa's love of jazz with… jazz.

I read that in Rex Banner's voice, and it was… interesting.

Not quite as bad as it's often said to be. I mean, it's no Final Frontier…