
I love Hangmen Also Die! Partly for the film itself, partly for the title.

Maybe it's just that the film 2010 suffers greatly in comparison with both the book 2010 and the film 2001, but I found it poorly written, poorly produced, and poorly acted. And the plot was gutted by the omission of the Chinese mission.

2010? Seriously?

Upvoted ironically.

No, sorry, it doesn't depend on anything like that at all. It depends on whether the closed time-like loops that can exist in GR are actually features of the universe.

Bah. I thought these things were supposed to come in threes. After Christopher Lee, James Horner, and Patrick MacNee, this is just unfair.

I could be wrong, but I thought that they talked about the Homer/Krusty thing in a much earlier episode commentary - and that it was an idea early on but they abandoned it after Homer and Krusty interacted various times.

It wasn't great, but I do like the robot driving instructor who goes back in time for some reason.

To be honest, I don't understand why 'Kill the Alligator and Run' is so despised. I don't think it was brilliant or anything, but I don't see what's particularly awful about it. Then again, I don't think I've seen it for quite a while, so maybe I'm forgetting.

Not a single word about the Mrs. Bradley Mysteries. For shame.

See, in my opinion there isn't one thing, or even just a few things, upon which the lower quality of the later Simpsons can be blamed. It's not that later episodes lack heart, it's not that there are too many celebrity guest stars, it's not that tropes like 'the Simpsons are going to X' are used too often, it's not

I had completely forgotten that this show was in the works. Perhaps I should re-read the book before watching, though…

I think the review is unfair to side A of the Zombies' R.I.P.. 'Smokey Day' is gorgeous, and has some really interesting harmonies. 'Girl Help Me' is great. 'Imagine the Swan' would fit right in on Odessey and Oracle. And 'Conversation Off Floral Street' is a seriously groovy instrumental, with those 7/8 sections

The LPs that my family recorded onto cassettes remained in everyday use for a surprisingly long time.

I don't necessarily need to have physical copies of things, but I prefer it. I still buy CDs and DVDs regularly.

I was always annoyed that those SE introductions from the VHS release weren't included in the 2004 DVD release.

That's even worse than skipping tracks on an album! I'm scandalized!

I completely agree. The worst is when they use actual clips from the movie for the menu transitions. I don't want to have to see bits from the middle of the movie I'm about to watch.

A friend of mine had a VCR with two cassette ports for copying VHS tapes and was consequently awesome.

I applaud you for spelling "whereas" with a tema.