
Maybe he's a space hippie.  Ooh, or the Gorgon.  And what of Lazarus?

The word 'apocryphal' does not mean what you think it does.  But yes, making such a film is rather a vile thing to do.

THX-1138 is one of my favorite films.  But then, I'm an unabashed fan of George Lucas as a director.  I even like the prequels.  Please don't kill me.

@avclub-c1fe85b855c6d045b827f74a1e2c3fd7:disqus  Good point(s).  It occurs to me that another important reason that the Beatles were more than the sum of John, Paul, George, and Ringo is this: George Martin.  As 'fifth Beatles' go, he's probably the most important, and his contributions to the band went far beyond

The thing is, even when they were each doing their own thing, they were still influencing and enhancing each other's work.  They still had, if I may be forgiven the word, synergy.  'Maybe I'm Amazed' is a great song on McCartney, but I really think it would have been even greater as a Beatles song.  The same goes for

This is exactly my problem with Worf on DS9 - for all the 'recommend we attack, Captain' cliches, he was actually a much more nuanced character on TNG.  But on DS9 they ignored most of that and turned the angst up to 11.  DS9-Worf is a caricature of TNG-Worf.  He was, dare I say it, Flanderized.

I don't know, I think the problems of "Let He Who Is Without Sin . . ." go all the way down to the basic ideas; it's not just the execution.  Risa is a silly place; the Essentialists are a silly group with a silly complaint; even the Bashir/Leeta thing is silly and sitcom-y.  All the basic elements of the episode are

Yeah, that was the case, and as you say, it's pretty obvious.  I seem to remember reading that Siddig el Fadil was annoyed that he didn't know it earlier, because he would have played the character differently.  Or maybe I'm thinking of that other big last-minute Bashir-related writing decision . . .

To quibble slightly, 2001 is not really a cinematic adaptation of a novel.  Kubrick and Clarke collaborated on the story (which was loosely inspired by an earlier short story by Clarke) and then Kubrick went off to make the movie and Clarke went off to write the novel.

Is that the guy who did the Dr. Mabuse commentary?  "Same Mabuse time, same Mabuse channel".  Man, I love that guy.

But Kris isn't the one in that scene, is he?  I may be mis-remembering, but I thought the endless driving scene followed the other Solaricist (the one who showed them that video) through the city.

Huh, I did not know that.  Much obliged for the information.

Yeah, that 'endless driving' scene is quite strange, and I agree that it's self-indulgent.  However, I would say that this is the only place in the picture where slowness spills over into self-indulgence.  Other sequences that are slow (for example, the zero-gravity sequence) nonetheless contribute to the film.  I

I always thought that was one of the things that Solaris created out of the minds of the other two crew members, as it created Hari out of Kris's.

Kind of confirming your point regarding Sirtis, I'd say "Face of the Enemy" was her best episode, where she's essentially playing someone playing a villain.

@avclub-0c3e626d1a287cdc48c77515c8dcc243:disqus  Indeed.  Specimen two: DS9's "Badda-bing Badda-bang" vs. Voyager's "Spirit Folk". 

@avclub-6d8e5be200a835beb77d899f00b890a5:disqus  Yeah, as I recall there was the 'Northern Klingon' vs. 'Southern Klingon' theory back in the days of the films and TNG (two sub-races, one with and one without ridges).  What killed that theory was, I suppose, the appearance of Kang, Kor, and Koloth on DS9 in 'Blood

Count me as another 'yea' vote for Voyager reviews.  Like some of you, I think Voyager as an entity was not nearly as bad as it's generally made out to be.  Sure, it was on the whole below the level of TNG seasons 3+, and of  DS9, but those two shows set rather a high bar.  The first four or so seasons of Voyager were

"In some ways"?  Surely that's just about the only good part of "Up the Long Ladder".

(SPOILERS for the Hitchcock film Stage Fright)