
Wow, that link is one of the most sickening things I've seen for quite a while.

@avclub-41e23e24ee2670c4128cd7e5e5ee42ab:disqus Different tastes, apparently.  Certainly the tone of the show had changed, in a direction that, taken further, would lead to the problems of seasons 14+.  I can see how that somewhat looser and, I suppose, wackier, aesthetic might not appeal to some, but in my opinion it

@avclub-41e23e24ee2670c4128cd7e5e5ee42ab:disqus  It's been a while since of seen it, so maybe I'm overrating it, but I seem to remember finding it quite funny.  But then, as I said, I tend to find seasons 11-12 rather underrated - not up to the standard of the golden age, certainly, but still generally good.  I don't

I think season 11 was around when all my friends were saying The Simpsons had become terrible, and I was like "what are you talking about?  It's as brilliant as ever."  Then in season 12 or so, that became "okay, it's not the transcendentally incredible masterpiece it used to be, but it's still the best thing on

Edit: B'oh! Replied to the wrong comment.

@avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus  I actually think that's one of the most horrid bits of that quite horrid episode.  It's symptomatic of a certain lazy and superficial attitude toward characterization where all the realistic subtleties and complexities of personality are swept away in favor of an overly

I can't believe I left 'In the Cards' out of my little list.  It's among my favorite DS9 episodes.

Star Trek's comedy is sometimes awful, but I'd say there are also a fair number of instances where they do it right.  Good comedic episodes that immediately come to mind: 'The Trouble with Tribbles', 'I, Mudd', 'Deja Q', 'Data's Day', 'Rascals', 'Our Man Bashir', 'The Magnificent Ferengi', 'Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy'

I'm quite sure I'd be incapable of doing the brave thing in such a situation.  I'm a coward, and I'm well aware of it.

Seems to me it's no worse than Catholics eating Jesus's body and drinking his blood.

She's a maverick who doesn't go with flow and has paranoid delusions about 'death panels'.  She also seems to enjoy ringing bells and firing warning shots.

Surely everyone agrees that "The City on the Edge of Forever" is the best TOS episode.  But "The Trouble with Tribbles" was pretty brilliant, and undoubtedly it really does deserve to be near the top of the list, even if it is perhaps a little bit overrated by the masses.

To be honest, it's never quite felt right to me that the Dominion could have essentially been destroyed by Garak at that point; it makes the Founders look rather foolish.  I've always thought that if Garak had succeeded in launching his attack, it would have been deflected somehow, or would have done much less damage

Only if he was taking the Nielsen survey at the time.

And nice red uniforms.

I just have to wait for a TV series to be made based on an obscure half-page narrative by Tolkien.  It would be called 'The Choosing of the Istari', and would be pretty awesome, if you like seeing people going to a meeting and getting chosen for things.  (And of course, the AV club would have to review it, but of

@avclub-419d380e9eaaad9ded90dc701d51d731:disqus  Wait, touch-tone phones are old now?  I don't like what that suggests about the fact that I know what a rotary phone is, and how to use one.

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus  That's "Worst Case Scenario" - which I actually enjoyed, perhaps because it gave us a glimpse (even if a non-serious one) of the kind of Starfleet/Maquis conflict we should have gotten in the first few seasons.  But you make a good point about the oddness of it as a

Yeah, in my opinion Voyager's biggest mistake was that they almost immediately dropped all the personality and conflict that they started with - and particularly that the Maquis and Starfleet crews merged into a homogenized mass so easily.

All very true. I've always felt like somewhere in "Equinox" there's a good episode struggling to break through, and if it had been done on TNG or DS9, or perhaps even earlier Voyager, it would have been done a lot better.  But the episode we got was predictable, unsubtle, and mediocre.  Still, I'm not sure Janeway was