
One of my biggest problems with "Voyager" (and I have a lot of problems with "Voyager") is the producers & writers of that show were never willing to allow for Janeway being wrong in ANY situation or context, even when she was wrong.

Ah, yes, I suppose that for those who don't like Dukat's post-'Waltz' arc, Covenant would not be a favorite.  I'm with you, though - concerning both 'Covenant' and 'Badda-bing Badda-bang'.

Wait, which of those three episodes is not generally considered good?

"That Female Borg" is the show Voyager turned into for a while after introducing 7 of 9, when every bloody episode was about her.

But then you'd have to sit through 'Bound', which is ill-advised.

I don't know, I think a case could be made for Mark Lenard or Marc Alaimo as best all-around alien, though obviously Combs would also be a top contender.

What's that extra B for?

Stigma is probably my least favorite Enterprise episode (which is really saying something).  And unlike many other terrible episodes (which can be entertaining in their awfulness), it was mind-numbingly dull.  By about five minutes into it, you can predict almost everything that's going to happen, down to the dialogue

@avclub-285910f5ff9f9eddf129c46fc2bc5982:disqus Sorry, you have to mean it.  And as it's physically impossible for 'Angel One' to be anyone's favorite episode of TNG, you clearly don't mean it.

@avclub-0806ebf2ee5c90a0ca0fd59eddb039f5:disqus Of course, that just perpetuates the myth that 'the Eskimos have lots of words for snow' (or more generally, refuted Sapir-Whorf-like ideas about the relation between language and thought).

''I mean, as far as The Muse goes, you're looking at a pretty bad ep when
the plot line that gives the episode the title feels like the B-plot.''

I've never quite understood the hatred for 'Time's Orphan'.  It's not a great episode, by any means - maybe not even a good one.  But nothing about it strikes me as blatantly terrible.  I've only seen it, probably, twice, though, so I may be mis-remembering its quality.

@avclub-6c61a3c92ed8fc6117b055b0260da06e:disqus  I've always thought 'Prodigal Daughter' was kind of okay, but 'Field of Fire' was abysmal.  I don't know which aspect bothered me most (SPOILERS) - the magical trill mumbo-jumbo that summons Joran, the lack of continuity with 'Equilibrium' inherent in making Joran some

@avclub-f7b8cee00172e6b5d95f347eef898419:disqus  That was 'Statistical Probabilities'.

@avclub-7cbaf9384cf3835106bf2f444c0bcf65:disqus - honestly I think TNG is as good now as it ever was.  About two years ago, I finished doing a massive rewatch of all the live action Star Trek series and movies, and if anything there were TNG episodes I enjoyed more that time around than when I'd first seen them

All this negativity about TNG makes me sad.

Akorem was clearly an Outer Planar being trying to recruit Bajorans for the Blood War.

Yeah, but those secular beliefs are _correct_.

Then in this episode, he and another guy claiming to be the Emissary go into the wormhole together, and only one comes back out.  "Okay, Bajor, so the Prophets totally said that I'm the real Emissary and they, uh, sent Akorem back to his own time.  So we're good, right?"

There are too few passing references to Dirk Gently in this world.