Reginald Shut Up And Jam

Yeah, its' definitely growing on me today when I'm listening through it again. Too bad PUP hasn't come by you - I know that they tour a lot some it's surprising they haven't if you are near any major metro/urban area? They're worth driving a distance IMO

That'd be pretty cool. I'm thinking the kind of raunchy sound that Cloud Nothing's Attack on Memory combined with something a little bit more "energetic" would make for the perfect mix for PUP

Starting to dig into this, there are definitely some highlights but not hitting immediately in the way that Delusion Moon did, which isn't a bad thing necessarily.

ya got it

The barista proceeds to break down and cry. I've been thrown out of a few Starbucks for breaking the barista.

One of my favorite sketches of theirs

I take my starbucks like I take my republicans - black.

The hyperlink for Loving is broken FYI

My personal favorite was the part where one character tells another to, "Go suck a butt."

I can't understand the lyrics so this is perfect. Instrumentally and musically this album is great. I don't really like hardcore much, but this is a fun album

I want this game so bad.

Hadn't heard of this band before, but definitely loving what I'm hearing.

You actually made me look. You prankster you!

You can make this a B+ album by cutting most of the second album minus Spit out the Bone. Confused is okay too. Make it an 8 track album.

I think most people just say NIN at this point.

Shame for NYC and DC. I saw them in Chicago and they fucking blew the roof off of the Riviera.

They came around these parts in November of last year and didn't end up going because it was more than I felt like spending at that time (50 bucks) since I'm not a huge fan of really much off the first two albums. Newest album is pretty decent, feels like a watered down APC at times

One Way Trigger is best described as the genre "Latin Gameboy."

Yeah it's sad really. Again, I'd rather they just fully commit to not functioning together as a unit then try and Frankenstein their way through an album or a set of shows. Then they can really focus on other projects or solo shows like they mostly seem to want to do anyways.

Right, exactly. I'd rather they didn't do anything then just try and force out an EP once every 4 years if these things aren't meant to be, or they can't seem to move on and bury the hatchet.