
Yeah, it's clearly not randos - they are all too good looking!

She's right that "date rape" as a concept is a fallacy. It's rape.

Blerg. It's an hour. A full day before Monday work schedules. Get a grip. It's not exactly 10 hour time difference jet lag.

Ah! I see.

No, they don't suddenly get sexually aggressive. They ARE sexually aggressive and getting drunk helps them act on it.


Re: Kaley Cuoco's Husband: That's not how digestion works.

There is no secret that whole foods are better for us than chemically made and/or processed food. So naturally actual butter is better than some fake butter stuff. Of course we have way too much genetically modified foods that humans are eating and the animals we eat are eating. It's affecting our health and our

This is one of my favorite things that happen on the interwebz. A person - or in this case, a corporation- oh wait! that's right, a person - offers something, says something, asks something. The first 600 replies?

That does sound good.


Let's be clear. No one cool goes to Coachella.

My sister just did this Charleston, South Carolina.

Going a year without having one alcoholic drink is a very different thing than having a 'drinking problem' though. Now, if you're saying you can't go one (or 10) party/event/happy hour/sporting event, etc. without having an alcoholic drink then you might have a problem.

It was funny until the dive bomb - bc then she just got weirdly and wrongly violent. But when she's standing there confronting the dude he looks genuinely scared which is bloody priceless.

I typically have loads of comments (in my head) about tweetbeat but heck, HECK I SAY!, am 4 pints to the wind so...

It's British.

Cue the wounded bros of Jezebel... "she is sexist!!" "she's dumb" "she probably sucked."

Communicating with your significant other is never easy?

Srsly. She's already insufferable and it's not her fault.