Pushing 40? Isn't Jennifer Aniston around 43?
Pushing 40? Isn't Jennifer Aniston around 43?
It seems to me that the real problem with the porn industry and the condom conundrum is THIS: "But actors are paid by the scene, and I couldn’t do three in a week."
Hahaha, really.
Hahaha, I thought, when I first starting reading that anecdote, that it was the "successful" relationship! Ha! It sounds perfectly fine to me. I get that for the woman in the story, it wasn't what she wanted but for a lot of other women out there it is exactly what they want!
The TSwift story sounds like something her camp came up with to diffuse the idea that she's sleeping with all these men she's briefly dating. Which, for a what? 23-year-old? Is pretty normal - but we can't talk about that.
Whose life?
It happens when you're cold too. Like I am right now.
I kept a list in undergrad (145 years ago) but definitely stopped recording around 25-years-old. It seems like something you do when more immature or lacking in self-esteem. (For ME, I should stress) I think I remember men I slept with but I can say that just the other day I was talking to my best friend and I had to…
I don't think believing, and publicly, repeatedly stating, that women shouldn't have a say over what happens to their own bodies is not misogyny.
Says the dude judging the commenter.
Yeah, I dislike the public proposal as well. It is attention seeking.
She does seem childish. I don't know much about her but was she a child star? I think it's unusual for a 23-year-old woman to keep dating high school aged boys. It's like she wants to hang with people/men younger than her to be "young" in a way she wasn't allowed to be.
Hahahahaha, that is so great! And appropriate! Hahahahaa... thanks for this.
That's awesome. Thanks for the link.
People are different. We all know height and measurements don't = weight so yes, she very well could weigh 171. Muscle matters, bone matters, organs matter. This is precisely why weight charts are bullshit.
I'm a big fan of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus.
She doesn't repeatedly make rape jokes?