
you be white.

Isn't potato a vegetable? If I'm misunderstanding chips than I apologize. Meanwhile I eat that dish all the time! Yum!

How does this "explain" anything? He's saying exactly what King Bloomberg said. It's still a toothless ban that does absolutely zero for the (ahem) obesity epidemic. The 'people' never clamored for bigger drinks - that was done directly through marketing. When fast food restaurants realized people wouldn't go up and

Hear hear! It's amazing to me how non unionized workers will whine against unionized workers instead of saying, "Hey wait. Maybe we should form a union."

You don't have to like every sports champion but seriously, don't insult someone who's career you clearly haven't followed. She's never 'whined' about not winning. She's been pissed about not winning. She's been bratty in press conferences when she's lost and been asked 'how she feels' about it. She's been surly.

Awesome! That was one of the tensest matches I've seen in a while. I can't believe she pulled it out! Well done to you both but Serena? Damn. She's simply the freakin' best.

Yeah, "cotton field" does sound less gross than "plantation". Nice choice.

i agree. not snark worthy.

Oh right! I'd forgotten! How silly of me!

Yeah, but at sports camps you're typically playing the sport in some capacity - at school, in your community, through your religious institution. So sport camp helps you perform better in that sport; it's not just a recruitment tool. Unless these participants are modeling through their school or community, it's not

Hahahaa... srsly. Though, it does say more about the author than it does about unmarried (I assume that's what she means by 'single' bc coupled people don't always have kids...) people!


I'm a tad uncomfortable with the last sentence: No, but they do make an excellent case for listening to and acting on your instincts if you feel like someone in your life might be "bad news," even if all you have to go on is a casual text exchange.

Me too. Totally out loud laughing.

That "Sloane" photo on Buzzfeed is like a wormhole to yesterdays makeup discussion. A bunch of comments are "she's clearly not wearing makeup!" when she clearly is!

Yeah, I don't get him. And, perhaps bc of that, I also don't think he's a particularly good actor. The quote above is enough to make me never read anything about him again.

Wow that was really nice. Until you lectured us.

Hahahaahah! Ef you!

What about using your baby AS a cell phone? WHY AREN'T I GETTING ANY RECEPTION?

Me, too for OKC. Even when we didn't click for romance, the men I met were nice and we had a good time. I also found a mate - we've been dating 1 yr half now and he says the same thing - the women he met were nice and cool even if they didn't click romantically.