Hahahaahahahaha! So long as it's not in a park, restaurant, bar, apartment or workplace! We can't do anything here anymore!
Hahahaahahahaha! So long as it's not in a park, restaurant, bar, apartment or workplace! We can't do anything here anymore!
Shut up, Hope. You're wrong. Chastain's job is to analyze play and if she sees something that could be a liability to a team (like repeatedly losing possession in the defensive third) she should mention it.
I live in Hell's Kitchen for that. So, yeah.
OFFS. I'm so tired of hearing how today's 20-somethings have it so much harder* than past 20-somethings. They are not less together. They do not have worse dates. They do not have crappier apartments or worse first jobs.
No. If it did, men would wear bikini's.
Hahahaha. No.
Hahahaha... srsly.
Didn't she say this exact thing last Olympics? Srsly, I've definitely heard this before.
New Yorkers aren't rude. Stereotype.
"Will it save him from prosecutors?"
Baseball is slow. That's different than boring.
I used to live there and let me tell you - there really are only so many conversations you can have about fishing. For realz.
I abhor that argument. It makes it harder for someone to leave? Ugh. Why would you want to make it harder? If someone doesn't want to be there, they won't be there.
Lady Chatterley's Lover. DH Lawrence
You've never seen the attitude that women playing sports are dykey/tomboys/men?
Not only that but country's with MUCH higher rates of ambush/terrorism (I'm looking at you Israel) do not do this type of passenger screening. Bc they know it's hogwash. They screen, sure, but in an effective and efficient way that might actually result in thwarting an attempt.
And that will be just as useless.
I don't know. I was an athletic child and loved playing sports (I'm a woman) so it may be ridiculous for me to say this but... I'm not sure girls think sports are uncool but rather that society thinks girls who play sports are uncool. Unfeminine. Masculine. Rough. Undainty. Plain. Boyish. Etc.
Yeah, I think there's a marked difference between those two! Both funny but Applegate has... something. Something I just find HILARIOUS when she's in those roles.
A. What the hell is a 'cool side door'?