Hahahaha... awesome!
Hahahaha... awesome!
Yeah. It's like Serena's head on Venus' body! Hahahaha...
THEM babies. In slang.
Hmmmm, I didn't see it like that at all. Don didn't care about specific accounts until he saw Ginsburg's drawings and jokes. They even made Don laugh aloud. Then he paused like, "Uh oh..."
If only Don meant it...
It annoyed me that she said it afterwards yeah. She's a bit of a whiner. But i did understand the sentiment. When they were in the car and he asked to come up to her apartment, I thought, "Oh no... he can't see her place and be the first guest. She'll never forget that!"
I can't tell is Serena's new diet slimmed her down that much or there was far too much Photoshop going on around her hips/thighs. Make no mistake, the woman is made of stone but she usually looks much bigger in photos and during matches. Even her shoulders look less muscular than typical.
Sure. Say something terrible but combine it with a 'goofy smile' that let's the woman know 'you are in on the really terrible joke' and that you don't expect her to show you her lady parts in 15 minutes. And HOPE she registers all that bc, frankly, it's a lot to get approached by a stranger, offended and then have to…
Well that's true for sure!
I love texting. I love texting my boyfriend. I hate the freaking phone and finding time to talk is more difficult than sending off a few lines here and there throughout the day. Luckily for me, he feels the same.
Don't say "it's more the delivery" bc that's not what you mean.
Keep it to yourself.
I dated a guy for 3 years that started with a pickup line. Mine.
Ha! That's awesome!
I was preparing to move overseas from the US for two years and my mom was helping me, in part, by agreeing to sell my car after I left.
Hahahahhaa! Oh wow... that's funny. And something only a mom can get away with.
Fair enough.
No you're not.
It's not that this school shouldn't be allowed to ban women, it's that they voted in September to admit women
So the 'parenting style' of AP is... parenting?