
It was definitely closer to 8+ hours. They barely got through lunch when they fought and when he called Peggy at 8:30p Megan was already gone for hours. Then he got woken up at 2:30a by the cop and said something like "She's been gone for 7 hours now." so it was awhile.

Good, interesting point!

This whole season... I just dislike Don more and more each episode. I can't even really explain why; it's not like he was some super awesome guy before but now I want him gone. He's not a character I "love to hate" I just dislike him. He's an awful person and to me isn't charming at all anymore.

I'm told there are others like me.

No one ever believes me, but I've never experienced brain freeze.

Yeah. To me, that's the issue. Not that, as someone above rightly pointed out, that most breakup songs sound like a CEFAD, but it's the "I was lonely" and then "I was happy it was over." Fuck you. That is just plain passive aggressive and cowardly. And every break up song is NOT like that. There are definitely more

Of course a fingerprint and background check only work if you've been caught already. A psychosocial test with a trained therapist/social worker wherein they could pick up 'red flags' would be great to include. If we're really trying to keep youth as safe as possible.

Point to where I may have missed it, but how is this ironic?

That is my biggest problem with him as well. That and the fact that by his insisting he knows my medical needs and/or wishes better than I do he shows himself to not be in fact, a 'nice guy.' I'm so tired of hearing about what a 'good guy' he is. I've said it before, and as a resident of NYC I trust I'll be saying it

Keeping in mind that this was in the mid 90s and things have changed but I lived in Eastern Europe for a few years and people my age (at the time early/mid 20s) who were from there were taught the Holocaust didn't happen. It was totally erased from books, school, media, etc. When it was brought up they would say, "Oh

Which is totally understandable as the game would be totally fucking boring for all involved.

There is no "proper way" to stand up for yourself.

People, all people, are inconsistent.

I agree. The line(s) of the episode was the "You're not a good man and you never were. And you know what I mean." line(s). Awe. Some!

Right! Excellent point.

I think that the advice was given in regards to charities who request money but get goods; which sounds dissimilar to the animal shelter you're familiar with.

The thing is... both Charity Navigator and GiveWell emphasis financials and the inaccurate "how much of your donation really goes to the program" metric. This doesn’t help you figure out which nonprofits effectively carry out their mission. Nonprofits need ‘shining stars’ just like any other business and despite what

Interesting. I took that more as a dig on J.B. (he's cheap! hardy har har!) and not the woman's autonomy.

Right there with you.

Yep. Me, too. And interestingly (and on topic!) I promised myself at around 8 that as soon as I started getting gray hair I would definitely not color it bc A) I'd finally be FREEEEE of the red hair and B) no one could match my color anyway.