Sounds like missing Starbucks was the second best thing that happened to them yesterday.
Sounds like missing Starbucks was the second best thing that happened to them yesterday.
Huh? Since when is "cool" and "conniving" synonymous? I'm tired of the idea that every self-described 'uncool' kid in junior or high school will automatically be an awesome adult and that every 'cool' kid in school will grow up to be an asshat.
Slow clap.
What's wrong? Their clothes are poorly constructed of cheap fabric that they charge far, far too much for.
Whut. Eva.
And also, "yo im sorry..." apology is actually BETTER than the one most people give!
But but but but it's a compliment!!! (ugh.)
Great, Mr. Lorre. You should continue to feel free to quit your craptastic show and take it with you. Or, y'know, shut up about it. Thinking about quitting when your Supe-Supe-Super STAR assaulted people and then ultimately deciding not to isn't really something you should brag about.
@"I'm a little creeped out..."
Last sentence: right.
It reminds me of when SunChips stopped making and using their biodegradable bag bc customers complained the crinkling of the bag was TOO LOUD.
Yeah... I really sort of think they were told to do that. By someone. Who doesn't like them.
Isn't Courtney Cox only 3 years older than David, too? WTW indeed. And here I sit, 3 years older than my boyfriend. UH OH!!!
Hahahahaa... no and no. I wonder if Erin, like me, had a lot of folks respond with polite nods and figurative "there there"s when she told that story bc what she said he said is so obviously ridiculous and untrue and she really did want to get married and is now just making an excuse! PHEW!! That's what happened to…
Oh, that last paragraph is Spot. On. I hate guys like that, too.
I don't understand why Tobey Maguire would pay anything back. He didn't dupe anyone. The players shouldn't be blamed for what the organizer did.
Naturally the switch was discovered after one of the fathers no longer wanted to care for his child. I wonder if he has to pay child support for the daughter he doesn't feel like raising or being in the life of or his biological child.
Yulia never has a second cup at home...
I wish everyone would get off that particular horse. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, wrong with having regrets. Somehow its definition has been changed to mean something closer to "I wish it never happened" from "disappointment or dissatisfaction."