airsix73 914-turbo unicorn reserve not met

Yep, The winner's got to be the multi-generational big 3 truck feud.

The majority of the US helium inventory was collected as a byproduct of nuclear fission. No more plutonium production = no more helium. Our helium stores are in rapid decline. I care because I do mixed-gas scuba diving and it's getting more and more expensive to fill bottles with tri-mix (oxygen/helium/nitrogen).

Since when is Giz required to only report on technology approved by pacifists?

Good call!

You and the Chairman just made my day.

Lancia Fulvia Rallye was the first thing I thought of. I feel guilty because it's FWD, but it sure is nice looking.

Go for it! This is what I learned to drive in. Seriously. It was my grandfather's. He taught me to drive in it 30 years ago. He's 80 now and still drives it quite a bit in the summer.

well played! (yes, I knew what it was)

You got my vote.

SCCA D Sports Racer in Portland, OR.

944 Cup racer, track ready.

Electric cars are not safe.

We've been robbed. And they shall say "Wherein have we robbed thee?" By thine selection of "Instructibles" quality fluff projects and blasphemy before the greatness of Megasquirt and all lesser forms of custom engine management! I hereby summon the Gods Bowling and Grippo whos ire thou has kindled! May their wrath

For Safety!

"...I was armed and as per the Texas penal code, I was going to lawfully recover my stolen property."

I'm still itching to do a Megasquirt project. It was still in it's first fuel-only version back when I did my 914-turbo so I passed on it and used a combined fuel/ignition ECU from a small South African company (Perfect Power). It wasn't long after that Megasquirt really took off and now it's just AWESOME! I have my

It's a BatmOpelbile!

There's no way Megasquirt can be overlooked. This is the pinnacle of auto-nerd greatness. It needs to be at the top of the list.

Was thinking the same thing.

My 914 has a BMW 328i fuel pump, a distributor mag pickup from a mitsubishi, a Saab blow-off valve, and the turbo and injectors off a Subaru. How's that?