airsix73 914-turbo unicorn reserve not met

The altitude limitation is a pain for those interested in high-altitude balloon projects. Yes, there are GPS receivers available without the limitation, but they are specialized. For some kids who want to put together a science project with cheap consumer electronics though it's a hurdle.

Best part:

There's something really wrong with this list. Most of these tasks are not repairs, they are maintenance. If an oil change is a "repair" you're doing it wrong. A repair means fixing something that is broken. Blown hose = repair. Busted starter motor = repair. Changing oil =/= repair. Rotating tires =/= repair.

That's what I was thinking. Pretty common to see jeep-bodied street rods in and around Manila. I lived in Santiago Isabella (North/Central Luzon) for a while and a guy in town had a low-rider stainless steel bodied jeep with a Supra drive-train. It looked like a lot of fun.

The more important question is: Which vehicle should have been made with a limited slip diff?

NNnnice. ; )

Now playing

I like this one because it was unlikely, unplanned, and well managed. This was the first drag for this street-driven '32. It was running stock suspension and no special equipment. Just a guy with a nice homebuilt hotrod. The best part is the guy had balls enough to keep his foot in it the whole way. Now that's Jalop!

In my state the police see you are a permit holder the moment they run your license plate. As they approach your vehicle the first thing out of their mouth is "Sir, are you armed?" Wake up, Ohio and join the 21st century.

Funny. Back in the early '90s I'd play with a Sopwith Camel in MS Flight Simulator and try landing it on top of skyscrapers. Seriously. If you approached from below the roof line and then did a climb to a stall just right you could set it down nice and gentle. MS still said it was a crash though. MS never did know

Three guys in Tampa ran from the police and jumped a 914 across an open draw-bridge. And made it. Sort of. I offer this as the pinnacle of Jalop Stunt Hoonage.

Hey Ferrari! It's "Stratos" not "Stronzo*"!

My town has gone roundabout crazy. They are popping up everywhere. I don't mind them too much. I have to hit 3 on my commute these days. Some tool is always riding my bumper leading up to them (I'm usually 5 over in a 35). I'm still 5 over as I pop out the other side and bumper kisser is now 1/4 mile back. It's fun to

+1 for the Manx. No other kit car was more fun per dollar. No other kit car was actually COMPLETED and driven by a higher percentage of their builder/owners. There are a lot of amazing kit cars, but more than any other this one GOT THE JOB DONE. Minimum cost, minimum time, maximum fun.

Ah, you beat me to it! I saw the headline and raced to the comments with that in mind. Someone once asked me why it was dumb and I said "Would you build a bicycle where your pedals were connected to a generator that charged a battery that powered an electric motor that drove the wheel?" Each power conversion step

Roll rate? Nanosecond. Roll control? Not really. Pitch control? Unresponsive at best. Cool factor? You bet. Until you die. Oops you just died.

Mine too.

When I was 16 I was forced by my parents to go to a Boy Scout encampment right at the end of summer vacation. I thought I was too cool for that BSA BS. The USAF Thunderbirds came but only did a high-altitude slow-speed pass or two and then left. Next day 2 Air National Guard F16s did some high-speed flybys at about

Out Run for the win!!!! Back in the mid 80s my friends and I would play this in the arcade of the local college. We were around 10-12. We were playing once and some college guys came up behind us, obviously annoyed that some little kids were tying up the game. One said "I bet he doesn't even know what he's driving."

Duhhh. 2011 M3 Sedan. Repaint it a boring color and re-badge it as a Toyota. Then haul ass.

It looks like a healthy bowel movement.