I notice it is in USAF livery. If if it had been done in Italian AF livery it would have sympathized with the Germans and been shot down by now.
I notice it is in USAF livery. If if it had been done in Italian AF livery it would have sympathized with the Germans and been shot down by now.
I want an ECU on a key. If someone wants to steal the car they're going to have to bring their own ECU and write their own map. If they can figure out the firing order and get the injector dwell times close enough to get it running without fouling the plugs then I'd like to shake their hand and say "Nice work" before…
A Ford 10-wheeler with a 9-speed tranny and 2-speed rear-end will do 40mph in reverse. This message is brought to you by the statute of limitations and the Fugitive Hoon Alliance.
This is obviously photoshopped. If it were real he'd be smiling his ass off.
Oh no, not a special Shelby hood! Aren't they like $13,000?
I actually prefer an auto in a 4x4 or large truck but absolutely can't stand them in a drivers car. When asked why and I say "because automatic transmissions don't have eyes." I hold by that in this case. Having BMW use a computer to guess where the next turn-in point is would be like having a blind person ride…
@FiddlingWhileJimRomeBurns: The companies making replacement ring and pinion sets as well as the guy at the driveline shop love it when people do 0-60 tests with a 1,500lb load.
The jug of antifreeze on the ground in front of the grill is a nice sale inspiring detail. It speaks to the sellers high attention to the important little details like airing up the tires and attaching license plates before the prospective buyers arrive. Run away!
The answer to any question associated with that picture is 'Yes'.
@Spiegel, Slayer of turtlz: Best post of the day!
Why didn't he not turn?
@Jones Foyer: It was a typo. Should read: "I should've bought a Chevette."
I think they take great pleasure in creating a special model such as the RS4 or RS6 and then denying it to the US. They are probably blasting MC Hammer and singing 'can't touch this in a conga line around the board-room table right now. Then someone says "Lets put a 4 banger in their A6!" and they all laugh…
This information about the TG test is disappointing. I watch the show when I can, and I've always enjoyed the apparent openness. When a car is praised I assume the praise is deserved. Likewise when they disparage a vehicle I assume it is for good reason. To hear that they fabricated events in order to promote false…
Good grief. That Ford concept looks like one of my kid's fantasy hotwheels. Where they going for a '70s Vette caricature look? It looks like one of those puffy-car sketches.
@snapoversteer, Arbiter of D'Elegance: "Screw that whole town. When I raise my private army, we're going to shell that craphole before we roll through."
Sheesh. This is BMW M3 101. Keep your foot out of it in the wet! It's the mantra of M3 ownership just like "don't lift in a corner" is the mantra of 911 owners. This is why having kids grow up on a diet of FWD Hondas is bad. It leaves them unprepared for the real world.
Because Hanzo sword.